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Capital Projects

Warwick voters approve 2024 Capital Project

December 10, 2024

Warwick Valley Central School District voters passed the 2024 Capital Project by a preliminary vote of 578 to 217 (72.7% approval) on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

The $19,544,469 referendum was developed through a process of careful collaboration between the Warwick Valley school board, district administrators and engineers, utilizing the New York State Building Condition Survey to identify aging, outdated or energy-inefficient school infrastructure and facilities issues. The project carries zero additional tax impact on local taxpayers.

“Thank you, Warwick voters, for once again supporting the needs of this community’s district and showing just how much this community values the education of its children,” said Superintendent Dr. David Leach. “The roofing and infrastructure improvements as well as the security enhancements in our district will benefit our students, staff and the community for years to come.”

The 2024 Capital Project features a $550,000 investment in security with an additional $500,000 in state funding. Security enhancements include the hardening of 150-plus exterior doors throughout the district. Altogether, the project addresses high-need repairs and installations that will make an immediate impact on school security, while avoiding the potential of more costly emergency expenses in the future.

The 2024 Capital Project was designed to create a healthier, safer learning environment for students, faculty, and staff; and to deliver valuable energy and operational savings in the future.

You can read a full breakdown of the 2024 Capital Project details here.

2024 Capital Project Initiatives

  • Security ($550,000)
  • Roofing ($8.1 million): WVHS, WVMS/District Office, Park Avenue, Kings building, Pine Island building
  • HVAC ($2.1 million): WVHS
  • Windows ($2.1 million): WVHS, Park Avenue,
  • Bleachers ($1.3 million): WVHS & WVMS
  • Plumbing ($1.1 million): Sanfordville, Park Avenue
  • Electrical ($1 million): WVHS
  • Sidewalks ($135,000): District-wide
  • Construction Management/Architect Fees/Contingency ($3,179,310)




ROOFING: $8,130,159
Replacement of roofing will cost $8,130,159, or nearly 42%, of the capital project. The district intends to install 186,600 square feet of new roofing (white or grey areas below) at nearly all buildings to save money on mounting repair costs and resolve leaks, some of which are difficult and costly to repair.

High School roof

High School roof
Warwick Valley High School will receive 110,600 square feet of new roof, covering the old junior high wing, science wing, media center, agriculture classrooms, New Gym, Old Gym, pool and weight room. The project replaces roofing that currently leaks, which was last installed in 2000 and 2001. This completes the high school roof work that began over the summer.

Warwick Valley Middle School/District Office roof

Warwick Valley Middle School/District Office roof
Warwick Valley Middle School/District Office will receive 21,500 square feet of new roof, which replaces the original 1998 roof that is leaking and is costly to repair.

Park Avenue Elementary School roof

Park Avenue Elementary School roof
The original section of Park Avenue Elementary School will receive a new roof (11,500 square feet), replacing a 24-year-old roof that leaks into the third-floor classrooms and entryway.

Kings building roof

Kings building roof
Nearly half of the 45,000-square-foot Kings building’s 23-year-old roof will be replaced. It leaks in the upper classrooms and corridors, as well as above Grace Community Church. The building also contains universal pre-kindergarten students and Greystone Program students. This building is not reimbursable through state aid because there are no public school students in the building.

Pine Island building roof

Pine Island building roof
The 19,000-square-foot Pine Island building roof, installed in 2000, is leaking in all sections and will be replaced. This building work is reimbursable as there
are Orange-Ulster BOCES students, including many whom reside in Warwick, in classrooms in this building.

High School gym unit ventilators

High School HVAC

HVAC – $2,100,000
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning at the high school will cost an estimated $2,100,000. The project will provide air conditioning in the gym for both athletes and spectators, especially for events like graduation that are moved inside because of weather. The air conditioning will replace old and ineffective unit ventilators that do not provide air conditioning. Also, air conditioning units will replace unit ventilators in approximately 10-12 classrooms in the old junior high wing. When complete, approximately 98% of the building will be air conditioned.

High School windows

Park Avenue windows

WINDOWS – $2,100,000
Windows at Park Avenue and the high school will cost an estimated $2,100,000. Windows in front of the 1929 portion of the Park Avenue building were replaced recently. This project replaces windows in the back of the original 1929 building. It also replaces failing windows in the 1991 wing of the building that have issues such as broken seals, not opening easily and are not energy efficient. This will complete the window work at Park Avenue. Windows in a portion of the high school will be replaced as part of an ongoing project.

High School bleachers

Middle School bleachers

BLEACHERS – $1,250,000
The replacement of bleachers with safety concerns and mechanical part failures at the high school and the middle school will cost $1,250,000.

Piping at SES

Plumbing plate at Park Avenue

Plumbing at Park Avenue

PLUMBING – $1,100,000
There is a need to replace the main plumbing lines at Sanfordville that are used for both heating and air conditioning throughout the building. The entry pipe and main pipes to Park Avenue, which have been repaired, now need to be replaced. These projects will cost $1,100,000.

High School electrical panel

ELECTRICAL – $1,000,000
Electrical improvements at the high school will cost $1,000,000. The main electrical panel at the high school – original to the building when it was built in the 1950s – is at capacity for the building and needs to be replaced. Installing new air conditioning will also require a new panel to handle the additional electrical needs.

Sidewalk in need of repair

SIDEWALKS – $135,000
Replacing damaged sidewalks in various locations throughout the district will cost $135,000.

SECURITY – $550,000
The Capital Project will direct $550,000 toward security – which will include the hardening of 100 exterior doors at the high school and middle school, as well as the hardening of 57 doors at the elementary schools. Hardening is a process of making doors secure with enhancements such as bullet-resistant glass. The district will use an additional $500,000 reimbursement from Safe Act funding for a combined total $1,050,000 for these upgrades. Doors will be installed with security devices, have bullet-resistant glass and include window film.

The 2024 Capital Project will also fund $3,179,310 for construction management; architect fees; and contingencies, such as independent testing of contractor work and the potential for increased costs.

Capital Project Newsletter

WVCSD 2024 Capital Project Newletter

Capital Project Vote Ballots

Absentee Ballot Application (12.10.24 capital project vote)

Early Mail Ballot Application/Instructions (12.10.24 capital project vote)

Board of Education Presentations

Board of Education Presentation 11-8-24

Board of Education Presentation 10-10-24

Facilities Committee Presentations

Facilities Committee Presentation 10-24-24

Facilities Committee Presentation 09-17-24

Facilities Committee Presentation 06-06-24

Facilities Committee Presentation 02-12-24

Facilities Committee Presentation 12-14-23

Facilities Committee Agendas

Facilities Agenda 10-24-24

Facilities Agenda 09-17-24

Facilities Agenda 06-06-24

Facilities Agenda 02-12-24

Facilities Agenda 12-14-23

Facilities Agenda 10-19-23

Facilities Committee Minutes

Facilities Committee Minutes – 09-17-24

Facilities Committee Minutes – 06-06-24

Facilities Committee Minutes – 02-12-24

Facilities Committee Minutes – 12-14-23

Facilities Committee Minutes – 10-19-23

Capital Project News

Capital Project addresses high-need infrastructure improvements

After nearly a year of Facilities Committee meetings and presentations, the 2024 Capital Project for the Warwick Valley Central School District is taking shape. Superintendent Dr. David Leach, Assistant Superintendent for Business Timothy Holmes, the district’s engineer and the district’s head of facilities presented to the Warwick Board of Education high-need infrastructure improvements that will be tax neutral, meaning the district would not need to raise additional tax revenue to support the large-scale improvement project.

The capital improvements will avoid the need for costly repairs in the coming years, create valuable energy savings, and make a healthier and safer learning environment for students and staff. The projects were shaped from the Facilities Committee’s review of the Building Condition Survey (BCS), which is a five-year plan that is developed from an inspection performed by a team of licensed engineers or registered architects. The survey’s purpose is to assess the building’s current state and identify any potential issues, such as structural damage, deterioration, or need for repairs. The committee also considered issues documented by school district management and staff.

The Capital Project will total $19,544,469 and will have no additional tax impact to local taxpayers. New York State building aid would reimburse the district at a rate of 63.8% or approximately $11,805,112. The district would utilize $6,698,198 in capital reserve funds and $1,041,159 in its repair reserve funds to complete the funding.

“Our district has taken a strategic approach over the years, consistently improving our facilities and grounds without increasing the tax burden on residents,” Dr. Leach said. “This effort focuses on updating outdated electrical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as replacing windows and roofs that have reached the end of their lifespan. The timing is crucial, as we are retiring debt and leveraging state building aid and our reserves to fund these improvements.”

Replacement of roofing will make up an estimated $8,130,159, or nearly 42%, of the Capital Project. The district intends to install 186,600 square feet of new roofing at nearly all buildings to save money on mounting repair costs and resolve leaks, some of which are difficult to repair.

  • Warwick Valley High School will receive 110,600 square feet of new roof, covering the old junior high wing, science wing, media center, agriculture classrooms, New Gym, Old Gym, pool and weight room. The project replaces leaking roofing that was last installed in 2000 and 2001, and completes the high school roof work that began over the summer under the 2021 Capital Project.
  • Warwick Valley Middle School/District Office will receive a 21,500 square feet new roof, which replaces the original 1998 roof that is leaking and unrepairable through patching.
  • The original section of Park Avenue Elementary School will receive a new roof (11,500 square feet), replacing a 2000 roof that leaks into the third-floor classrooms as well as the entryway.
  • Approximately 24,000 square feet of the 45,000-square-foot Kings building 2001 roof, will be replaced. It leaks in the upper classrooms and corridors and where Grace Community Church is located. This building work is not reimbursable as there are no students who use this building.
  • The 19,000-square-foot Pine Island building roof will replace a 2000 roof, which is leaking in all sections. This building work is reimbursable as there are Orange-Ulster BOCES students in classrooms in this building.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning at the high school will cost an estimated $ 2,100,000. The project will provide air conditioning in the gym for both athletes and spectators, especially for events like graduation when it is moved inside because of weather. The air conditioning will replace old and ineffective unit ventilators that do not provide air conditioning. Also, air conditioning units will replace unit ventilators in approximately 10-12 classrooms in the old junior high wing. When complete, approximately 98% of the building will be air conditioned.

Windows at Park Avenue and the high school will cost an estimated $2,100,000. This project would complete window work at Park Avenue. Windows in front of the 1929 portion of the building were replaced recently. This project replaces windows in the back of the original building. It also replaces failing windows in the 1991 wing of the building that have issues such as broken seals, not opening easily or are not energy efficient. Windows in a portion of the high school will be replaced as part of an ongoing project.

In addition, the replacement of bleachers with safety concerns and mechanical parts failures at the high school and the middle school will cost $1,250,000. These improvements have been included in past capital projects but the district has needed to defer them to a later capital project and are now a priority.

Replacing main plumbing lines at Sanfordville. These main plumbing lines are used for both heating and air conditioning throughout the building. The entry pipe and main pipes to Park Avenue, which have been repaired but now need to be replaced. These projects will cost $1,200,000.

Electrical improvements at the high school will cost $1,000,000. The main electrical panel at the high school – original to the building when it was built in the 1950s – is at capacity for the building and needs to be replaced. Installing new air conditioning will require a new panel to handle the additional electric needs.

Also, $550,000 from the Capital Project will be directed toward security – the hardening of 100 exterior doors at the high school and middle school. The district will also use an additional $500,000 from the general fund and receive a $500,000 reimbursement from Safe Act funding for this project. The doors will be installed with security devices, have bullet-resistant glass and include window film.

Replacing damaged sidewalks in various locations in the district will cost $135,000.

The 2024 Capital Project will also fund $3,179,310 for incidentals, such as architect fees, independent test of contractor work, increased costs and construction management.

The Board of Education will vote on October 24 to put the 2024 Capital Project before voters. A public hearing will be scheduled for December 2 and voting will occur on Tuesday, December 10, at the Pine Island building, the Middle School and the Kings building.  

“These are infrastructure needs that have to be addressed to keep our district moving forward,” said Mr. Holmes. “We have worked with our capital reserve funds and our repair reserve funds as well as the state’s reimbursable aid to make sure this 2024 Capital Project has no additional tax impact for our residents.”

Facilities Committee continues discussion of proposed 2024 capital project vote

June 19, 2024

During a June 6 meeting, the Warwick Valley Central School District Facilities Committee continued its presentations regarding a proposed 2024 Capital Project Vote. The project has a total cost of $15,124,585, with no additional cost to taxpayers.

Among many critical aspects of the plan, individual projects discussed in detail during last week’s meeting included the installation of roofing at multiple district properties, new HVAC and electrical components at the high school and, most importantly, significant security upgrades at the middle school and high school.

District priority number one is the safety of Warwick students, faculty and staff. The safety upgrades included in the proposed Capital Project include hardening all exterior doors at the high school and middle school, approximately 100 exterior doors, at a cost of $750,000. The hardening of exterior doors at Sanfordville and Park Avenue was completed as part of the previous capital project, and Sanfordville will be completed this summer, also as part of the previous Capital Project. The hardening of doors and windows reduces the risk of intrusion.

One of the most important steps the district can take to maintain its properties – for safety and to protect their value – is by maintaining roofing. The previous capital project began the process of replacing roofing in need of repair at some district properties. The proposed capital project would expand that work to include Park Avenue, the middle school and high school, as well as Pine Island. The total cost for new roofing at all four properties is $6,500,000. Additionally, new roofing for the Kings School building accounts for $1,041,159 of the total project cost.

The high school will also benefit from upgrades to its electrical and HVAC systems. Along with an all-new electrical panel, the high school will have new HVAC installed in the gymnasium, as well as the former junior high wing and main office. Altogether, the electrical and HVAC upgrades make up $2,100,000 of the capital project’s total cost. Other capital project details touched upon during the meeting included new windows and plumbing at Park Avenue.

The committee also discussed capital project funding. Continuing its practice of balancing community-minded fiscal responsibility with programming and student safety, the district has a plan to fund the proposed project with no additional cost to taxpayers. The $15,124,585 total cost would be met by a combination of reserve funds (estimated at $6,139,359) and 63.8 percent in New York State building aid (estimated at $8,985,226).

The proposed capital project would go before voters in December 2024. Prior to the time, the district will continue to share details of the proposed project, leading up to a public hearing that would occur one to two weeks prior to the vote itself.

Please continue to watch our website for the latest details regarding the proposed 2024-2025 Capital Project Vote: www.warwickvalleyschools.com/capital-projects.

Facilities Committee shares details of Building Condition Survey, continues discussion of proposed 2024 capital project vote, more
March 7, 2024

During a recent meeting of the Warwick Valley Central School District Facilities Committee, attendees delved into crucial topics affecting the district. The three main topics discussed during the meeting were: 

  1. WVCSD Building Condition Survey
  2. Proposed 2024 WVCSD Capital Project vote
  3. Security upgrades to WVCSD buildings

All of these topics touch on improving school facilities, which is an often-overlooked means to improving student health, safety and academic outcomes. A primary focus was the comprehensive WVCSD Building Condition Survey. The Facilities Committee shared intricate details of the ongoing examination (conducted every five years) aimed at assessing any necessary upgrades to all district buildings. The survey is a collaborative effort, drawing insights from the diligent WVCSD Buildings & Grounds team, our district engineer, and external consultants. 

The evaluations encompass not only the main school structures – Sanfordville Elementary, Park Avenue Elementary, Warwick Valley Middle School and Warwick Valley High School – but extend to the Pine Island and Kings school buildings, the Transportation Garage, the Maintenance Building and Albert Wisner Public Library.

The Building Condition Survey has been a meticulous examination aimed at identifying the structural and environmental needs of district buildings, while also helping ensure that any required renovations or improvements are strategically planned and executed.

The meeting delved into a potential Capital Project that was previously discussed in this article from December 20, 2024. New information at the Facilities Committee meeting shed additional light on specific projects integral to the district’s future. These included essential upgrades such as enhancing the HVAC system in the “new gym” at the high school, installation of new roofing at numerous properties, and replacing the central electric panel at the high school. 

The importance of school security was also on the meeting agenda. Specifically, making upgrades to building entrances, which would include the hardening of internal and external doors and windows to prevent intrusion. Financial matters were also discussed, including funding models for the upgraded security measures. As always, the Facilities Committee has been thorough and thoughtful in seeking a balance between district needs and managing financial considerations.

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. David Leach, also took a moment to provide an update on the BES owned by Convergent West Warwick LLC, a subsidiary of Convergent Energy and Power (Convergent).  

Dr. Leach shared that he has been in contact with Convergent CFO and Co-Founder Frank Genova in regards to the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) failures that occurred on June 27, 2023 at two facilities. One facility is adjacent to the district’s Transportation Garage on County Route 1, and the other is on Church Street, which is private property. Warwick Valley Central School District leases the County Route 1 location to Convergent Energy. The modules, manufactured by the company Powin, are owned and operated by Convergent. 

During his update, Dr. Leach said that in consulting with Orange & Rockland (O&R), that O&R would like the system at Site 1 to be back online a month or two before peak power season – the end of the school year through August – and are aiming for late spring 2024. 

Dr. Leach added that Powin has accepted all recommendations from Convergent, and has made proactive adjustments. Powin is enlisting a third-party consultant to oversee subsequent design and testing phases, with each module undergoing stringent testing and validation of product modifications, with particular emphasis on upgrades to prevent water infiltration. 

The District’s own consultant in this matter, VERTEX, has been invited to participate in the process, and Mr. Genova has deemed this collaborative approach to be optimal. Convergent continues to reimburse the District for all expenses incurred. Finally, Dr. Leach shared that Mr. Genova will attend the March 7, 2024 WVCSD Board of Education meeting to elucidate.

Facilities Committee discusses potential capital project work that may be placed before voters in 2024
December 20, 2023

The Warwick Valley Central School District Facilities Committee met on Thursday, December 14, to discuss the necessary capital improvement work that was identified by the District’s Engineer in the current Building Condition Survey that will need to be addressed in the next couple of  years. They also discussed the potential for a capital project community vote in 2024.

Work the committee is considering includes replacement of some roofs on buildings, hardening of internal and external doors and windows in buildings to prevent intrusion, and replacement of the main electrical panel at the high school.

The district has been making ongoing efforts to replace older roofs or sections of roofs of its buildings. The roofs that are in poor condition and need replacement include a partial roof at the high school, a partial roof at Park Avenue Elementary School, the full Pine Island building roof, a partial roof at the Kings building, and the roof over the school district offices.

Read the full article…