Purposes of Homework
- To reinforce skills through drill.
- To reinforce material covered in class by review.
- To provide the pupil with a method for reflecting on ideas presented.
- To provide a means for developing desirable habits such as completing work on time, budgeting one’s time, and promoting growth in responsibility.
- To introduce new work as a prerequisite for meaningful discussion.
- To bring pupils into contact with out-of-school resources.
- To broaden and enrich the knowledge of a pupil.
- To encourage pupils in the process of self-education and self-direction.
- To allow for differences in the ability, achievement, and interest of the pupils.
- To provide a means by which parents can see what is taking place in the school.
Characteristics of Desirable Homework Assignments
- Pupils should clearly understand the purpose of the assignment as well as what the assignment actually is.
- Homework should be meaningful and not “busy” work.
- Homework should not be used for disciplinary purposes.
- Some assignments should be given to be completed over a period of time.
- Assignments should be evaluated by the teacher.
- Some assignments should take into account differences of pupils in a particular classroom and, therefore, appropriately differentiated.
- Assignments should try to encourage pupils to go beyond what is actually assigned.
- Assignments should be reasonable for the pupils both in terms of difficulty and the length of time it takes for their completion.
- Homework should not overload the student.
Types of Homework Activities
- Continuation of work begun in class.
- Drill in fundamental skills.
- Review of material.
- Research for long-term projects.
- Gathering of materials and a systematic presentation.
- Purposeful seeking for ideas and information through observation of the world around us.
- Experimentation to uncover fundamental truths.
- Textbooks, library materials, reference works, and recreational reading.
- Make-up of essential and appropriate work missed due to absence.
- Memorization of facts.
- Catch-up when schoolwork is missed because of absences.
Length of Homework Assignments
The following is only a general idea of what is expected in the Warwick Valley Central Schools.
Grades K – 2 (10-20 minutes)
At times, pupils are asked to complete something that is started in class. Special assignments are given to certain pupils as the need arises. Vocabulary words are sent home regularly. Individual teachers will inform you of their practices.
Grades 3 – 4 (Third Grade: 30 minutes, Fourth Grade: 40 minutes)
For these students this is a time to begin forming habits of regular, short homework. For students in grades 3 – 4, regularly assigned work should take from one-half hour to one hour each evening or before school to complete. At times, recreational reading is assigned.
Teachers will involve you in their expectations. Encourage reading at home.
Role of the Home
- Cooperate with the school in making homework effective.
- Understand why homework is important and supports academic achievement.
- Provide conditions, which will be conducive for studying.
- Give children more responsibility in the planning of their homework schedule as the children progress through the grades.
- Encourage children to work independently.
- Encourage children to do the best of which they are capable.
- Take an active interest in what their children are doing.
- Communicate with the school about homework.
The Warwick Valley Central School District recognizes and emphasizes the importance of reading as a means of self-education. Pupils should be continuously encouraged to pursue this activity.