WVHS students receive 2023 Sojourner Truth Awards
Three WVHS students were recognized as part of the 33rd Annual Sojourner Truth Awards, presented by SUNY Orange. The students were honored during a luncheon at the high school on Wednesday. Congratulations to the following students, who will be presented with medals and certificates of recognition from SUNY Orange by WVHS Principal Marguerite Fusco.
- Kierian Gillian, for perseverance and effort
- Jayme Hallik, for creative arts
- Andrea Scott, for creative arts
The Sojourner Truth Award program honors the memory and legacy of Isabella Baumfree, known as Sojourner Truth, an American abolitionist and women’s rights activist who was born into slavery in New York and escaped to freedom in 1826. The program encourages college attendance as an option for students from groups traditionally under-represented in the collegiate population.
SUNY Orange bestows the awards to celebrate local students in grades six through 12 for their achievements and growth in various aspects of school life, academics, and the study in the arts. Students are nominated for the award by their teachers, guidance counselors, and other district staff.