WVHS Science Research students present at annual symposium


WVHS Science Research students present at annual symposium

June 10, 2022

The WVHS Science Research Symposium drew a large crowd of administration, faculty, students and their families on Monday evening, June 6. Eleven students participated, including two seniors who were completing the 3-year independent study program.

Students who take part in the program must select and investigate a topic of their interest and develop skills in research protocol. They read and summarize peer-reviewed journal articles and analyze professional scientific papers on their topics. They work alongside professional mentors to design and conduct original research, while maintaining professional laboratory notebooks and building a scientific portfolio. Students must be able to discuss and analyze results at symposia, and author a final research paper.

This year’s symposium was dedicated by the Science Research students to WVMS teacher Mr. Edward Mesic, who encouraged many of the them with his kindness, wisdom, and support.

The names and topics of WVHS students participating in the Science Research program, including the two graduating seniors, are:

Molly Berman, 3rd year in program

Neuroscience/Sports Medicine

The long term neurocognitive deterioration of balance, short term memory, reaction time, coordination, pattern recognition, problem solving, color recognition, impulse control, and long term memory, due to traumatic brain injuries, concussions, and sub concussive hits on adolescent varsity level male football athletes in comparison to non-contact based adolescent varsity level male tennis and golf players in an average athletic six-week season.

Molly will be attending the University of Colorado in the fall, majoring in Neuroscience an minoring in Computer Science and Childhood Development.

Amelia Brown, 3rd year in program


The Short Term Effects of Ketogenic Therapies on Cognitive Improvement in Patients with Mild-to-Severe Alzheimer’s disease: A Systematic Review

Amelia Brown also received the Orlowski Science Research Senior Scholarship.

Amelia will be attending Princeton University in the fall, majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Music Performance and Spanish.

Daniel Callaghan, 2nd year
Topic: Epilepsy surgery and its effects on personality


Megan Desrats, 2nd year
Topic: The effect of a roughened hive interior surface on the colony strength of honey bees


Courtney Evans, 2nd year
Topic: Skin Stem Cell Growth and Division


Amelia Januario, 2nd year
Topic: The effect of CBD on the symptomatic progression (specifically tremors) in Parkinson’s Disease


Tabitha Peterson, 2nd year
Topic: Assessing Cannabis Expectancies for ADHD Symptoms in High School Students
Tabitha also received an Orlowski Science Research Junior Scholarship.


Kayla Schmitt, 2nd year
Topic: Mitochondrial influence on the biological aging process
Kayla Schmitt also received an Orlowski Science Research Junior Scholarship.


Benjamin Walter, 2nd year
Topic: Assessing the Short-Term Cognitive Performance of High School Students Based on Sleep Duration Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment


Ava Gell, 1st year
Topic: Serotonergic Neurotransmission


Zachary Johnston, 1st year
Topic: The Mechanics of Transradial and Transhumeral Prosthetics

Offered in partnership with SUNY Albany, the Science Research program is a three-year commitment that provides WVHS students with the opportunity to participate in the scientific research community by engaging in authentic research of their own design. Along with advanced research skills, students develop their problem solving abilities, critical thinking, communication, time management, and public speaking. Each student’s project culminates in the completion and presentation of a long-term project at the end of his or her third year. The NYS Board of Regents recognizes the program.


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