WVHS Science Research Program hosting info night, looking for mentors, researchers


WVHS Science Research Program hosting info night, looking for mentors, researchers

December 8, 2023

Scientists… researchers… the WVHS Science Research Program is looking for people just like you! Your knowledge and skills can play an integral role in a high school student’s own learning, exploration and growth!     

The Science Research Program (<- check the link for stories) at WVHS is a rigorous, three-year program that students begin in their sophomore year. It is a component of the University in the High School program, offered in partnership with SUNY Albany and recognized by the New York State Board of Regents.

The program provides students with the opportunity to participate in the scientific research community by engaging in authentic research of their own design. Students develop advanced research and life skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, time management and public speaking. 

To complete the program, students must:

  1. Select and investigate topic of interest
  2. Develop skills in research protocol
  3. Read and summarize peer reviewed journal articles and critique professional scientific papers
  4. Practice formal presentations of peer reviewed articles or independent research
  5. Maintain a professional laboratory notebook
  6. Build a scientific portfolio
  7. Communicate with professionals
  8. Design and conduct original research
  9. Discuss and analyze results at symposia
  10. Write a final research paper

Number 7… that’s where you can come in!

Of all the critical elements of the high school’s celebrated Science Research Program, students finding and working with a mentor/researcher in their chosen field is perhaps the most critical of all. On Tuesday evening, December 12, the organizers of the Science Research Program invite all the potential mentors out there to join them in the WVHS Library Media Center at 5:30 pm, for an everything-you-need-to-know session about being a research mentor. 

No RSVP required, but if you have questions in advance, please email Kristin Touw or Megan Davis.   



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