Warwick Valley Schools collect more than 1,000 toys for Toys for Military Tots Drive
Warwick Valley Central School District has been working in collaboration with WTBQ Radio over the past few weeks to gather donations for the annual Toys for Military Tots Drive which collects new, unwrapped toys for the children of military families, from babies to 12 years old in Orange County.
The district came together in support of the drive, spreading the word with in-school flyers, mentions on morning announcements, and setting up collection spots in the offices and lobbies of each school. Members of the Student Senate at Warwick Valley Middle School and Warwick Valley High School, along with the Park Avenue Student Council and the Leadership Club at Sanfordville Elementary collaborated to spearhead the drive with one of the Park Avenue students voicing a commercial for the drive on WTBQ Radio.
This is the first year that the school district community has joined in on the Toys for Military Tots Drive, and the collective endeavor resulted in over 1,000 toys, far more than organizers imagined.
“When we were talking to the kids about doing this, they were very excited to be able to give back and share,” said Sanfordville Principal Johnna Maraia. “They made morning announcements every day, encouraging people to bring in toys, and they were so proud to be a part of it.”
“All of the kids jumped in so excited,” said Amy Buliung, Park Avenue Student Council advisor. “The feeling that they get, being able to provide holiday gifts to kids that want them; it’s been really amazing watching this.”
Theresa Canfield, Park Avenue kindergarten teacher and Student Council Advisor, was also proud of her accomplished student leaders. Earlier this year, Ms. Canfield and Ms. Buliung guided the active Park Avenue Student Council through their annual Wreaths for Heroes fundraiser and Veterans Appreciation Celebration.
“The wonderful thing about this drive is that it stays local,” said Taylor Sterling, WTBQ Station Manager, who worked with the district on its involvement with the drive. “The recipients are children of Disabled American Veterans in Orange County and children of the military either stationed or deployed [overseas] at Stewart Air Force Base in Orange County.”
“Our ability to come together as a community and collect all these toys shows how much we care about the area’s military kids and how dedicated our students are,” said Superintendent Dr. David Leach. “I would like to thank our students, teachers, staff, administrators and our families for their outpouring of support.”
The following are a few of the people and organizations working in partnership with WTBQ Radio whose involvement and participation have helped make this campaign a great success for the 8th year in a row: Orange County Executive, Steve Neuhaus; former New York State Senator Mike Martucci; President of the Nam Knights, John Richichi; Director of Orange County Tourism & Film, Amanda Dana; Orange County Bank & Trust; John S. Burke Catholic, and many others.