WVCSD salutes faculty/staff years of service
During the final Superintendent’s Conference Day before the start of the 2023-2024 school year, Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Leach and Board of Education President Keith Parsons thanked the district’s longtime faculty and staff members during a ceremony in the WVHS auditorium. Commemorative pins were presented to the following staff members who have reached service milestones.
Congratulations to all, and thank you for your years of dedication to the students and families of the Warwick Valley Central School District.
5 Years of Service
- Curtis Akacki (Courier)
- Brett Algera (Teacher)
- Ann Marie Banker (Teacher Aide)
- Samantha Bevacqua (Teacher)
- Hernan Cruz (Security)
- Veronica DeGuisto (Teacher)
- Francine DeGuzman (Teacher Aide)
- Stephen Garby (Teacher)
- Brad Garcia (Teacher)
- Karen Hurd (Teacher Aide)
- Rebekah Jackson (Teacher Aide)
- Megan Kimiecik (Nurse)
- Chase Kohler (Bldg. & Grounds)
- Tera Kump (Teacher Aide)
- Kerry Lightbody (Teacher)
- Noelle Louissaint (Teacher Aide)
- Sarah Mabie (Custodial)
- Emily Marotta (Teacher)
- Daniel Martin (Internal Auditor)
- Yasheika Mitchell Mighty (Teacher Aide)
- Ping Moroney (Teacher)
- Warren Patafio (Teacher)
- Catherine Sforza (Monitor)
- Gary Schoellig (Security)
- Jennifer Sullivan (Teacher Aide)
- Heather Swet (Teacher)
- Mary Ellen Thomas (Clerical)
- Jeanne Tully (Teacher)
- Aimee Urvater (Teacher)
- Amanda Wright (Teacher)
- Jared Yapkowitz (Principal)
10 Years of Service
- Diane Dzwilewski (Transportation)
- David Leach (Superintendent)
- Kim Marcellino (Transportation)
- Patricia Plunkett (Transportation)
- Mary Smith (Aide at HS)
- William Zwart (Teacher)
15 Years of Service
- Matthew Carcaterra (Teacher)
- Dennis Doherty (Transportation)
- Whitney Finnerty (Teacher)
- Rachel Heller (Teacher)
- Amy Introini (Teacher)
- Julia Maione Kelly (Speech)
- James Maguire (Guard)
- Renee Mandakas (Transportation)
- William Mindnich (Transportation)
- Elizabeth Murroni (Transportation)
- Kevan Ottochian (Teacher)
- Toni Ann Pappas (Clerical)
- Beth Ann Peluso (Teacher)
- Roy Quackenbush (Custodian)
- Lisa Reece (Teacher)
- Regina Satkowski (Teacher)
- Barbra Scarpulla (Teacher)
- Tamara Scotto (Psychologist)
- Kristen Spano (Teacher)
- Philip Szumlaski (Teacher)
- Kristin Touw (Teacher)
- Julie Valenti (Business Office)
- Peter VanDeWater (Teacher)
- Mary Zeedyk (Transportation)
20 Years of Service
- Burt Atten (Transportation)
- Barbara Barron (Transportation)
- Christy Brown (Teacher)
- Amanda Calabrese (Psychologist)
- Sarah Cordisco (Teacher)
- Heather Davis (Teacher)
- Donna Denny (Teacher)
- Melissa Hamilton (Teacher)
- Catherine Kohlberger (Bus. Office)
- Ernest Lambe (Custodian)
- Janet Landrigan (Teacher Aide)
- Corinne Lane (Teacher)
- Suzanne Lepski (Clerical)
- Teresa Lindsay (Teacher)
- Graig McElroy (Teacher)
- Tamara Moser (Teacher)
- Patricia O’Connor (Teacher)
- Elizabeth Peters (Transportation)
- Alissa Pezzello (Teacher Aide)
- Barbara Rudinski (Transportation)
- Nicole Sisco (Teacher)
- Raymond Yarwood (Transportation)
25 Years of Service
- Dorothy Altaro (Monitor)
- Barbara Ripley-Brown (Bus. Off.)
- Kerry Dawson (Teacher)
- Jeanine Fogler (Teacher)
- Al Fringuello (Spec. Ed)
- Robert Kirschke (Teacher)
- Maribel Lang (Monitor)
- Rocco Manno (Teacher)
- Ray Mark (Teacher)
- Carol Mindnich (Trans.)
- Jeanette Myrick (Guidance)
- Sheila Scheuermann (Clerical)
- Lenora Shoock (Teacher)
- Suesette White (Teacher)
- Christine Wittenberg (Teacher)
30 Years of Service
- Theresa Canfield (Teacher)
- Christine Mahon (Speech)
- Richard Ronzoni (Teacher)
35 Years of Service
- Mark Thompson (Custodian)
40 Years of Service
- Elissa Morabito (Psychologist)