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High School Program

Warwick Valley High School

Warwick Valley High School maintains a comprehensive academic and extra-curricular program. Warwick students consistently score well above county, state and national averages on standardized testing. Approximately eighty-six percent of students go on to post-secondary education.

The WVCSD High School Program

The teaching faculty, support staff, and administration of Warwick Valley High School are currently working together to draft a vision that will shape our school well into the 21st century. Guided by such important works as Tony Wagner’s “The Global Achievement Gap,” and supported by our central administration and Board of Education, we are committed to developing dynamic curricular activities that will help our students acquire the “survival skills” currently identified by leading educational theorists.

These skills include critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration across networks and leading by influence, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurship, effective oral and written communication, accessing and analyzing information, and curiosity and imagination. The strides we make in these areas will be measured using data gained from informative assessments like the College and Work Readiness Assessment, an assessment that tests high school students on their skills of critical thinking, analytic reasoning, problem solving, and written communication – skills that are necessary in work and college environments in the 21st century.

In addition to a wide range of Regents level classes, Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered, as well as several credit bearing, college-affiliated courses such as the University of Albany’s Spanish Credit and Science Research. Various programs are offered by our area BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services), which offers numerous occupational opportunities for students. Visit our Instruction page to learn more.

Complementing its rigorous academic standards, the high school boasts more than fifty-five athletic teams and a wide variety of dramatic, musical, literary, service and student government organizations. At Warwick Valley High School, we are committed to engaging all students in lifelong learning and providing a high quality educational experience.

Statement of Philosophy

In keeping with traditions that began over a century ago, Warwick Valley High School promises to be a school that responds to the academic and social needs of its students. In short, each student counts, and each student is encouraged to participate in the governance of Warwick Valley High School.

With that said, it is important to remember that our focus on the individual must not obscure the fact that, in the school, education takes place in a group setting. We must reaffirm the fact that students have responsibilities to other students and to the school itself, and that they may not interfere with the pursuit of education by others.

View/download the High School Program Presentation as a PDF file.

Cell Phones

Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices will not be allowed to interfere with the educational process. Cell phones are permitted to be used during Unit Lunch.

Student Parking

  • Parking on the school grounds of Warwick Valley High School is a privilege limited to seniors and juniors with a valid parking permit.
  • Students who plan to park at the high school anytime during the school year will be required to attend the mandatory meeting on August 30, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the high school auditorium. This meeting is presented in partnership with community members to encourage safe driving practices for our students.
  • Students must attend this meeting in order to receive an application for a parking permit.
  • All vehicles parked on school grounds must be registered with the school and must display the current updated parking permit on the rear view mirror or posted on the dashboard. You will not be allowed to park on school grounds if you are not in compliance with this requirement.
  • Warwick Valley High School has a “closed campus” policy. Drivers are not permitted to leave school grounds during the school day including lunch and study hall without permission from an Administrator AND an Early Dismissal Pass.
  • Students are not permitted to transport other students unless they have proper authorization. Violating this rule may jeopardize your parking privileges.
  • Once you have attended the mandatory meeting, please bring your completed application and attendance card, along with payment of $25 (cash or check payable to Warwick Valley Central School District), to the high school office any time after August 30.
  • Any senior who drives to school and has early leave and/or late arrival on their schedule MUST obtain a parking pass.
  • As a reminder, you must attend this mandatory meeting (even if you attended last year’s Driver Safety Seminar).


All students are actively encouraged to participate in school teams, clubs, and activities. These are enriching experiences that appeal to individual talents and interests. Activity offerings vary from year to year so be sure to check school bulletins, the high school webpage, and morning announcements for information about these opportunities.

Activity Buses

A 3:30 p.m. activity bus will be provided for students who stay after school. Please note that students should remain in the building at the end of the school day only if they are under the direct supervision of a teacher/coach. Staying after school to “hang out” is strictly forbidden and a violation of the Code of Conduct. Any student staying after school must have a bus pass from the teacher with whom they met with.  Failure to have a pass negates the privilege to ride. Private transportation will have to be arranged by the student.

Student Information

An electronic copy of the Code of Conduct is available to all students on the WVCSD website. A copy is available in the High School Office. It is each student’s responsibility to become familiar with its contents.

Additional Information

  1. Students may not bring visitors to school.
  2. Students may not use headphones, pagers, cell phones, iPods, personal photography or imaging equipment or other electronic devices that disrupt the educational process.
  3. There is absolutely no smoking allowed in school buildings or on school grounds. Those who violate this state law risk a substantial fine levied by the Board of Health and disciplinary action.
  4. Students are permitted to use the building telephone for emergencies only. If feeling ill, students must make their phone call from Nurse’s (Health) Office to parent after evaluation by school RN.
  5. The High School Office will accept having parents call with emergency messages for students. Other calls are a disruption of the school day and should be avoided by parents.
  6. The following documents are available in a hard copy in the High School Office and on the Warwick Valley Schools website:

Medication in School

In accordance with New York State Law, there is a definite procedure for our nurses to follow before any kind of medication can be given to a child in school.

  1. The school nurse must have a written order signed by a doctor giving the following information: student name, name of medicine, reason for giving, dosage, time, number of days to be given, and possible adverse symptoms.
  2. The container must have an original pharmacy label.
  3. It must be brought to the school nurse by an adult. Under NO circumstances is a child to bring medicine to school.
  4. The parent or guardian must also submit a written request to the school nurse to give the medicine as directed (form available in nurse’s office).
  5. The medication will be destroyed seven days after the final dosage is required. (The unused portion of the medication may be picked up by the parent within this period.)

Parents already realize and should point out to their children that prescription drugs are to be taken only by that person for whom the prescription is written. What is beneficial for one may be most detrimental to another person.

Security Cameras

Warwick Valley Central School District, in an effort to maintain a safe and secure educational environment, has installed security cameras both inside and outside the high school building.

Warwick Valley High School
89 Sanfordville Road
Warwick, NY 10990
(845) 987-3050


School Hours
7:40 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.


Attendance Regulations

Bell Schedule

Grade Reporting Schedule

Miscellaneous Information

Rotating Schedule

Student Volunteer Opportunities

The Survey

WVHS News/Sports Broadcasts


If you have difficulty accessing this document, please contact WVHS Director of Counseling Mary Fox, at mfox@wvcsd.org, who will provide the document in an alternative format.