What are the Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) requirements for professional certificate holders?
Teachers who hold professional certificates are required to complete 100 hours of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) every five years. This requirement replaced the 175 hour requirement in the previous regulation and began on July 1, 2016. All professional certificate holders have a five year window of time, based on their birth month, to complete 100 CTLE hours. Please look at your certification so you are aware of your responsibilities.
If I have permanent certification do I need to complete 100 CTLE hours?
No. Teachers who hold permanent certification are not required to complete CTLE hours. However, if you hold multiple certifications and one of them is a professional certificate, then you must complete 100 CTLE hours to keep it, even if you are not currently teaching in that area.
If I have multiple professional certifications, do I need to complete 100 CTLE hours for each certificate?
No. If you have more than one professional certificate, the 100 CTLE hours that you complete for one certificate will be sufficient to maintain all of your professional certificates.
What activities can be counted toward my 100 hours of CTLE?
Activities that may count toward 100 hour CTLE requirement include:
- Superintendent’s Conference Days will meet more than half of the requirement per year. (2 X 6 hrs 50 min.= 13hrs. 40min. per year)
- Faculty Meetings that include professional development topics (10 X 50 min. = 8.5 hrs. per year) The total CTLE hours afforded by Superintendent’s Conference Days and faculty meetings alone may provide the certificate holder with approximately 22 hours per year. 22 hours per year projected over a period of 5 years is 110 hours.
- Professional Development provided by the District
- Department meetings that include professional development topics
- New Teacher Orientation meetings
- K-12 curriculum development meetings
- K-12 committee meetings
- Training/scoring of state and local assessment
- Other sources of professional development from sponsors approved by NYSED CTLE Sponsors.
- NYSUT offers free courses at the Tarrytown Learning Center
Do I have to keep track of my own hours of CTLE?
Yes. It is the responsibility of the professional certificate holder to keep track of his or her CTLE hours. The easiest way to do this is through mylearningplan.com. Those who prefer to keep a written record of their courses may use this CTLE recording form provided by NYSED.
What happens if I do not complete the 100 hours of CTLE in five years?
If a certificate holder does not complete the required CTLE before the end of his or her five year registration period, he or she will not be registered and shall not practice until he or she is registered.
Other resources for activities can be found by clicking here.