Park Avenue students learn about ROAR in assembly


Park Avenue students learn about ROAR in assembly

September 15, 2023

Wildcat mascot surrounded by students

The Park Avenue Elementary School’s entire student body assembled in the gym for a PBIS Kickoff event with the Warwick Valley Central School District’s Wildcat mascot!

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social and emotional performance, and their mental health. PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.

The purpose of the event was to clearly communicate school wide behavioral expectations of ROAR (Respect, Outstanding Choices, Acceptance, and Responsibility) throughout the building and outside on school grounds.

“The school’s ROAR Matrix and lessons at the beginning of the year, such as this one, are part of a system to ensure all students are exposed to the same message,” said Principal Bill Biniaris. “This assembly gets our students off on the right foot and teaches them acceptable behaviors in a positive, engaging way.”

Students saw some staff members, through a video presentation, pointing out behaviors that were unacceptable and then modeling appropriate behaviors. Additionally, students played a game of Jeopardy as a fun assessment of their current understanding.

A student answers a Jeopardy question in the gym A student answers Jeopardy questions with a teacher next to her and the Wildcat mascot behind her


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