Warwick ENL students share writing at Books & Bagels showcase


Warwick ENL students share writing at Books & Bagels showcase

May 6, 2024

Park Avenue ENL classes hosted their first Bagels & Books event on April 29, showcasing the original works of student authors from both elementary schools. The event was the culmination of a lot of research, creativity, and hard work. Together, the ENL students published a book entitled, Up, Up and Away We Go, based on their findings.

Students researched a country and culture that was new to them. This was a way for them to learn more about people (including people their own age) from other places, and what makes being bilingual so special. Mr. Spicehandler, Ms. DeRario and Ms. Bernard helped the students find resources from the Park Avenue Library and online platforms such as PebbleGo.

See a gallery of pictures from the Books and Bagels event below this story.

Students in younger grades were encouraged to use their five senses to learn about things they may see, hear, smell and taste were they to travel to the destinations they chose. Students in the upper elementary grades dove more deeply into particular details that were of interested to them. For example, fourth grade student Elysia Wang is very interested in music and chose to research instruments specific to Chinese culture. 

The project helped students learned what it means to be global citizens, to collaborate with others on problem solving, and how to research answers to unknown questions.

Up, Up, and Away We Go was a combined effort by all elementary ENL students in Warwick. Congratulations to all of our ENL students and their families on this wonderful accomplishment, and special thanks to Park Avenue students June Spicehandler, Issac Spicehandler and Claire Bernard for helping set up the library for the event.

  • Members of Warwick elementary schools ENL classes and teachers pose for a group photo at their first Bagels & Books event in the Park Avenue Library.


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