COVID Update: 2.8.2021


COVID Update: 2.8.2021

February 8, 2021

Dear WVCSD Community, 

Today, we received notification that two (2) high school students and one (1) middle school student have tested positive for COVID-19. 

The following overview will provide you with a summary of these positive cases: 

  • Middle School: The middle school student was not in the school building during his/her infectious period. 
  • High School: Two students tested positive. One student was not in school during his/her infectious period. The other student was in school during his/her infectious period. This case resulted in the quarantining of four students and three employees. 

We continue to update our COVID-19 Dashboard/Report Card daily — New York State’s COVID Report Card. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) considers Pine Island ES as a Sanfordville Elementary satellite school. Therefore, the NYSED requires the District to add Pine Island School’s COVID-19 cases to the Sanfordville Elementary report. 

Thank you for practicing the mitigating behaviors needed to control the spread of the virus. Wearing a mask, physical distancing, and hand washing are essential safety measures in and out of the school environment, helping to keep us safe and our school buildings open for in-person learning. 


David Leach
Superintendent of Schools


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