Community Message: June 27, 2023


Community Message: June 27, 2023

June 27, 2023

Community Members: 

Warwick Valley Central School District leases space to a company called Convergent Energy on a property adjacent to the district Transportation Garage on Route 1A. Convergent uses this space to handle battery storage for Orange & Rockland.

Earlier this afternoon, one of their eight units caught fire. Burning plastics are causing heavy smoke conditions, and the Warwick Fire Department is on the scene.

For the safety of our staff and others on school grounds, all outdoor areas were cleared and the district office, Middle School, High School and Sanfordville Elementary were evacuated. The fire department has asked all residents to close their windows and avoid the area at this time.

WVCSD is effectively closed for the remainder of the day. We will continue monitoring the situation and following the advice of local fire officials.

We will provide more information as it is available. At this time, there is no danger to any school buildings.



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