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Student Code of Conduct: Interscholastic Sports/Extracurricular Activities/Co-Curricular Activities


Student-athletes and those involved in extracurricular and co-curricular activities are very visible within the school and are often admired and respected. Therefore, it is imperative that student involved in co-curricular and extracurricular activities and athletes in the WVCSD conduct themselves properly. In addition, student-athletes, co-curricular and extracurricular participants are representing the school system and community while participating in interscholastic athletics, extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

Student-athletes and those involved in co-curriculars and extracurriculars are expected to be cooperative, orderly, and respectful to faculty, staff, and students. Conduct which is insubordinate or which endangers the safety, morals, health, and welfare of others will be subjected to disciplinary action. Student-athletes and those involved in co-curriculars and extracurriculars are encouraged to maintain reasonable standards in the area of dress and grooming.

While representing WVCSD at activities or on the playing field, student-athletes, co-curricular or extracurricular participants should: refrain from profanity and vulgarity; never resort to dangerous and illegal tactics; show respect for officials, opposing coaches, opponents, and spectators; be gracious in defeat and humble in victory and avoid physical and verbal confrontations.

Guidelines for Eligibility

There are two types of eligibility requirements that students must meet before they may be considered eligible to participate in co-curricular activities – academic and behavioral eligibility.

Students who wish to participate in such activities must understand that their participation is a PRIVILEGE which is extended to them (even if their roles are “behind the scenes”). Thus, each student’s school achievement must be reasonably consistent with his/her academic capacity, and his/her behavior and attitudes should reflect his/her respect for others and demonstrate his/her pride in the Warwick Valley School System. Based on this philosophy, students who wish to participate in our co-curricular activities have more to lose if they are declared ineligible (for academic or behavioral reasons) than those students who do not wish to participate.

Privileges which are affected by both academic and behavioral ineligibility:

  • FIELD TRIPS (when not part of credit bearing portion of Academic Course)

Academic Eligibility

The guidelines that will be followed for academic eligibility are as follows:

Students failing two or more subjects will be ineligible for the ten-week marking period that follows. There will be no appeals of this ineligibility to the committee. Students who have two or more failing fourth quarter grades in June will be ineligible for the first ten weeks of the next school year. Students with failing final grades will have the opportunity attend summer school. Upon receiving passing grades in one or more subjects during the summer session, their eligibility will be reviewed to determine if they failed two or more courses for the year.

All State and Federal regulations that apply to students with IEP’s will be adhered to.

Behavioral Eligibility

Behavioral eligibility is based upon the student’s ability to adhere to school rules and regulations. Students who get an out-of-school suspension or two (2) or more in-school detentions will be placed on the BEHAVIORAL INELIGIBILITY LIST. A behaviorally ineligible student MUST request a meeting with Administration.


Behaviorally ineligible students are ineligible from the date of the first out-of-school suspension or from the date of the second in-school detention (or within 5 days of the offense pending disciplinary action). Students must make application to Administration within ten (10) days of becoming ineligible. Students will remain ineligible until a meeting is held. When a request is made beyond ten (10) days of the offense, the student will remain ineligible for a period of 30 school days from the date of the meeting. The student may be placed on probation according to the following:

  • 1st offense: 30 days of probation
  • 2nd offense: 40 days of probation
  • 3rd offense: 50 days of probation

If a student is placed on active probation, he/she will be allowed to fully participate in all school activities. The student may not receive additional referrals or violate the Code of Conduct in any manner. If a student fails to adhere to the school rules and regulations listed in the Code of Conduct, he/she will lose his/her probationary status and become immediately ineligible. A student will remain ineligible for 30 days from the date of the last offense. If a student becomes ineligible subsequent times, Administration may extend the period of ineligibility or probation.


There are three types of probation. In each case, students may appeal the recommendation of the committee directly to the Principal. The decision of the Principal shall be considered final.

The student is allowed to fully participate but must meet all specified conditions of the committee while participating. Failure to satisfy each and every condition of the probation will result in loss of active probation (such as being placed on modified or inactive probation).

The student is not allowed to participate in any way with the team, group, etc. until all conditions of the probation are met. This category differs from the straight declaration of ineligibility because it is used for only a limited period of time. Further, this category will often be used in conjunction with other probationary categories. Failure to comply with all of the requirements of this category will result in reclassifying the student as ineligible.

The student is allowed to practice with the team, group, etc. while continuing to satisfy the terms and conditions of the probation but may not participate in competition or otherwise perform in public with the team or group. This category may or may not be used in conjunction with other measures which may provide a structure to help the student improve.


The conduct of an athlete and those participating in co-curricular or extracurriculars is closely observed in many areas of life. Behavior must be above reproach.

School: An athlete/participant must plan his/her schedule so that he/she gives sufficient time and energy to his/her studies to insure acceptable grades. An athlete/participant should have a good attendance record.

Members of an athletic team or co-curricular/extracurricular activities are required to conduct themselves as good citizens both in and out of school. Conduct “unbecoming an athlete/participant” will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Coaches and advisors and the Administration will address reported incidents of inappropriate behavior in an effort to resolve the matter and maintain an atmosphere which is recognized as acceptable.

A student in violation of rules which results in suspension from school will be ineligible to participate in practices, games or attend athletic events or extracurricular or co-curricular activities during the time of suspension. A student given in-school detention will not be eligible to practice or play in a contest or participate in extracurricular or co-curricular events during the suspension.

Hazing: Any hazing of fellow athletes/participants is strictly prohibited. A violation of the hazing policy will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension or removal from the team/activity.

Player Ejection Policy

Any athlete ejected from a contest for any reason shall be suspended for the next contest as outlined by the Section IX guidelines.

The next contest is defined as the next game in which the disqualified athlete is eligible to play, whether it is in that sport season, the next sport season, or the next year. A player who might be injured (for example, during a fight from which he or she was ejected) would be ineligible for the first contest for which he or she is medically cleared.

Sectional, regional, and state games are NOT exempt from this rule. If a disqualified player plays illegally in a contest, that contest is subject to forfeiture.


It is the responsibility of the student-athlete/participant to:

  1. Demonstrate self-control and respect for others at all times be they officials, spectators, or other athletes/participants.
  2. Remember that participation in athletics/extracurriculars and co-curriculars is a privilege that is not to be abused by unsportsmanlike/inappropriate conduct.
  3. Deal with opponents with respect. Shake hands after the competition and congratulate them on their performance.
  4. Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.
  5. Remember that improper behavior while in uniform or representing WVCSD reflects poorly upon yourself, your family, your school, and your community.
  6. Understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the game/event.
  7. Accept victory with grace and defeat with dignity.
  8. The Warwick athletic/co-curricular/extracurricular policy’s basic rule is NEVER do anything which will bring embarrassment or an unfavorable view to your teammates, coaches, family, school or community. Examples of improper behavior:
    1. Stealing of any kind, including athletic clothing, supplies and/or equipment – ours or opponent’s.
    2. Vandalism or property destruction.
    3. The use of inappropriate language, obscene language or swearing while engaged in co-curricular activities and interscholastic sports is not acceptable behavior.

Any abuse will bring consequences. These penalties may vary from suspension from the team to restriction for that season and/or year.


  1. We at the Warwick Valley Central School District believe that a student’s participation in an extracurricular or a co-curricular activity or an interscholastic sport can be a rewarding and valuable experience. Student involvement in school activities and sports programs can improve self-esteem and physical fitness, teach students how to contribute to the welfare of a team, improve their ability to make quick decisions in pressure situations and provide hours of enjoyment. This code applies to all extracurricular and co-curricular activities and interscholastic sports.
  2. As a member of a team or group, students represent not only the Warwick Valley Central School District, but also their parents, coaches, advisors and community. Therefore, certain responsibilities accompany student participation. The following list of rules and the consequences resulting for abusing them should be read and understood by all. In order to participate in co-curricular activities, extracurricular activities and interscholastic sports, an agreement relating to this code must be signed by both the student and the parent/guardian. These agreements are available from coaches/advisors. By signing this code, students are pledging that they will abide by the rules listed herein.
    1. An in-season (participating) athlete/extracurricular or co-curricular participant shall neither be in possession of an alcoholic beverage nor consume an alcoholic beverage.
    2. An in-season athlete/extracurricular or co-curricular participant shall neither be in possession of a tobacco product nor use a tobacco product.
    3. An in-season athlete/extracurricular or co-curricular participant shall not be in possession of, under the influence of, or be consuming or using marijuana, anabolic steroids, vaping products, or any illegal and/or controlled substance or prescription drug not prescribed for the student by a licensed medical practitioner. Students who find themselves at a location where prohibited or illegal activities are taking place must make every effort to safely leave the location as soon as possible. Students shall never intentionally visit a destination where prohibited or illegal activities are occurring or are planned to occur. Students may not share inhalers or any other prescribed medicines. The use of “over-the-counter” drugs, diet supplements, chemicals or any other substances designed to enhance performance is prohibited.
    4. An in-season athlete/extracurricular or co-curricular participant shall neither frequently earn suspensions or abuse school rules (as described in the Student/Parent Handbook and the Warwick Valley Central School District Code of Conduct) nor display behavior which could be detrimental to himself/herself, other students, the team, the school or the community.
    5. The use of inappropriate language, obscene language or swearing while engaged in extracurricular/co-curricular activities and interscholastic sports is not acceptable behavior.


The use of tobacco, vaping products, alcohol and/or illegal drugs as defined is prohibited:

  • Tobacco – Includes smoking tobacco products, possessing, chewing tobacco and using or possessing smokeless tobacco.
  • Vape Apparatus – Electronic nicotine and vape delivery systems, which include c-cigarettes, vaping pens, e-hookah and similar devices which contain nicotine.
  • Alcoholic Beverages – Includes using, possessing, being under the influence of alcohol or being present where alcohol is being used by minors.
  • Drugs – Includes using or possessing any illegal drug or any substance represented as a controlled substance (a look-alike), being present where illegal drugs are being used, or having drug paraphernalia.
  • Anabolic Steroids – The use of anabolic steroids is strictly prohibited.

An in-season athlete/participant shall not be in possession of, under the influence of, or be consuming or using marijuana, anabolic steroids, vaping products or any illegal and/or controlled substance or prescription drug not prescribed for the student by a licensed medical practitioner. Students who find themselves at a location where prohibited or illegal activities are taking place must make every effort to safely leave the location as soon as possible.

Students shall never intentionally visit a destination where prohibited or illegal activities are occurring or are planned to occur. Students may not share inhalers or any other prescribed medicines. The use of “over-the-counter” drugs, diet supplements, chemicals or any other substances designed to enhance performance is prohibited.

A first violation will result in:

  • A loss of a minimum of two weeks of eligibility of playing time.
  • Referral to a drug/alcohol counselor for assessment.
  • Minimum of 10 hours community service.
  • Option of practice while ineligible.

A second violation will result in:

  • A loss of scheduled contests/activities for a minimum of 4 weeks of playing time. This suspension may carry into the next sport season or the next year in which the student participates. Sectional, regional or state games are NOT exempt from this rule.
  • A mandated formal evaluation including, but not limited to, Substance Abuse, Smoking Cessation and/or Anger Management, depending on the individual’s behavior, at a certified Alcohol and Drug Clinic. The student must comply with the recommendations of the Agency before being reinstated on an athletic team.
  • A minimum of 20 hours of community service.
  • The option to only practice with the team/activity while ineligible to participate in contests/activities.

A third and any subsequent violation will result in:

  • A loss of all interscholastic athletic activities for one (1) calendar year.
  • A mandated formal evaluation, including but not limited to, Substance Abuse, Smoking Cessation and/or Anger Management, depending on the individual’s behavior, at a certified Alcohol and Drug Clinic. The student must comply with the recommendations of the agency before being reinstated on an athletic team.
  • A minimum of 30 hours of community service.

When a suspension is carried over to the next sport season, the coach/advisor and the Athletic Director/Principal will use their discretion to determine if the athlete may try out after the season begins.


  • Scheduled contests are defined as actual games used in the team’s overall record or activities involved in the schedule of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • Scrimmages/exhibitions/practices are not contests, and athletes are restricted from participating during the time of their suspension.

A coach or advisor of a extracurricular/co-curricular activity may impose additional requirements which are unique to his/her activity or sport. These additional requirements will be presented in writing at the initial practice or organizational meeting.

Before being disciplined for a violation of the above rules, the student will be informed orally of the violation of the code with which he/she is being charged and will have the opportunity to offer defense during an informal conference.

Violation of abuse rules and regulations will result in the following procedures and consequences:

  1. The athlete/participant accused of being in violation of these rules, along with the athlete’s parents, will meet with the coach, Athletic Director or School Principal (if necessary) to discuss the accusation and the proposed discipline.
  2. If the athlete/participant or parent is not satisfied with the decision of the administration, the parent or student has the right to appeal to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. If not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent or his/her designee, they have the right to appeal to the Board of Education. If not satisfied with the decision of the Board of Education, they have the right to appeal to the New York State Commissioner of Education. The athlete/participant may not participate until the appeal is complete.
  3. Student in school disciplinary issues which result in suspensions will impact student eligibility to practice, participate and play in extracurricular/co-curricular/ interscholastic activities.

Reinstatement Conference

Out-of-school suspension requires a reinstatement conference involving the Principal or Associate Principal, Athletic Director, a parent or guardian and the student. Typically, the incident(s) causing the suspension is (are) reviewed in detail, background data is shared, including up-to-date teacher assessments and, hopefully, a plan for immediate and long-term behavior improvement is created. If the administration is satisfied that the student’s attitude, behavior and situation have improved, the student will be readmitted to the school. It is the responsibility of the parent to arrange for the conference, but every effort will be made to hold the conference at a time convenient for the parent.


Students who arrive “illegally late” to school, leave school early illegally or who are illegally absent will be denied permission to participate in after-school athletics, co-curriculars or extracurricular activities.

Students who are legally absent from school or who are sent home for medical reasons (or to the doctor/emergency room during the school day) may not participate in after-school athletics, co-curriculars or extracurriculars on that day. A student who has recovered from being sick during the day should sign in with the attendance clerk by noon in order to be eligible for participation that day.

Students who leave school early for legal reasons must report back to the attendance office by 1:00 p.m. or have obtained written permission from the school administration in order to participate in after-school athletics, co-curriculars or extracurriculars on that day.


The guidelines that will be followed for academic eligibility in the Middle School are as follows:

Students who have two or more failing grades in June will be ineligible for the first ten weeks of the next school year. Students with failing final grades will have the opportunity to attend summer school. Upon receiving passing grades in one or more subjects during the summer session, their eligibility will be reviewed to determine if they failed two or more courses for the year.

All State and Federal regulations that apply to students with IEP’s will be adhered to.


Behavioral eligibility is based upon the student’s ability to adhere to school rules and regulations. Students who get an out-of-school suspension or two (2) or more in-school detentions will be placed on the BEHAVIORAL INELIGIBILITY LIST. A behaviorally ineligible student MUST request a meeting with Administration.


Behaviorally ineligible students are ineligible from the date of the first out-of-school suspension or from the date of the second in-school detention (or within 5 days of the offense pending disciplinary action). Students must make application to Administration within ten (10) days of becoming ineligible. Students will remain ineligible until a meeting is held. When a request is made beyond ten (10) days of the offense, the student will remain ineligible for a period of 30 days from the date of the meeting. The student may be placed on probation according to the following:

  • 1st offense: 30 days of probation
  • 2nd offense: 40 days of probation
  • 3rd offense: 50 days of probation

If a student is placed on active probation, he/she will be allowed to fully participate in all school activities. The student may not receive additional referrals or violate the Code of Conduct in any manner. If a student fails to adhere to the school rules and regulations listed in the Code of Conduct, he/she will lose his/her probationary status and become immediately ineligible. A student will remain ineligible for 30 days from the date of the last offense. If a student becomes ineligible subsequent times, Administration may extend the period of ineligibility or probation.


There are three types of probation. In each case, students may appeal the recommendation of the committee directly to the Principal. The decision of the Principal shall be considered final.

ACTIVE PROBATION – The student is allowed to fully participate but must meet all specified conditions of the committee while participating. Failure to satisfy each and every condition of the probation will result in loss of active probation (such as being placed on modified or inactive probation).

INACTIVE PROBATIONThe student is not allowed to participate in any way with the team, group, etc. until all conditions of the probation are met. This category differs from the straight declaration of ineligibility because it is used for only a limited period of time. Further, this category will often be used in conjunction with other probationary categories. Failure to comply with all of the requirements of this category will result in reclassifying the student as ineligible.

MODIFIED PROBATIONThe student is allowed to practice with the team, group, etc. while continuing to satisfy the terms and conditions of the probation but may not participate in competition or otherwise perform in public with the team or group. This category may or may not be used in conjunction with other measures which may provide a structure to help the student improve.


It is the responsibility of the parent/spectator to:

  • Keep cheering positive. There should be no profanity or degrading language/gestures.
  • Avoid actions which offend visiting teams or individual players.
  • Show appreciation of good play by both teams.
  • Learn the rules of the game in order to be a better-informed spectator.
  • Treat all visiting teams in a manner in which you would expect to be treated.
  • Accept the judgment of coaches and officials.
  • Encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
  • Avoid the use, abuse and resulting negative influences of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.


Student-athletes must receive medical clearance from the school Health Office before they may practice or try out for an athletic team. The following guidelines outline the process for obtaining this clearance:

  1. Physical exams MUST be done by the school district physician or personal physician and are considered current for 12 continuous months. Student-athletes are required to obtain a completely new physical if the previous physical date expires before the upcoming sport season. Physicals need to be sent to and kept on file in the nurse’s office.
  2. All student-athletes and their parents must complete the Health History form prior to each sport season. The school nurse will review the information to ensure safe participation.
  3. Questions or information regarding medical clearance can be obtained by calling the Health Office in the student’s school.


Athletes and those involved in extracurriculars and co-curriculars are expected to attend all practice sessions/meetings/rehearsals. If you are absent from school for illness, you may not practice or attend related functions. When an athlete/participant is in school but cannot practice for a legitimate reason, the coach or advisor must be informed prior to practice/meeting/rehearsal time. Practice/meeting/rehearsal time is critical. Tardiness to practice, meetings, and/or rehearsals will not be tolerated. An athlete/participant must practice at full speed or be ready for the day’s meeting/rehearsal in order to make improvement.

“Practice/rehearsal does not make perfect. Perfect practice/rehearsal makes perfect.”

Practices/rehearsals often are scheduled on Saturdays and holidays. Student-athletes/participants should be aware that postponed contests/events are rescheduled and played the next available day. There are no practices or games scheduled on Sundays, unless authorized by the Administration.

All squad members/participants shall normally ride to and from games in vehicles provided by the District. This is to be considered standard procedure. There are times, on occasion, where it may be necessary for a parent to pick up an athlete/participant after a game. This should be cleared with the athletic office/Principal prior to game time and a written note to the coach/advisor from the parent of the student(s) to be picked up will be required. This note will indicate who the responsible adult will be who is picking up the student(s). Parents/guardians who are picking up their own child shall be required to sign off on the sheet provided by the coach/advisor.

August 19, 2024