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Student Code of Conduct: Public Conduct on School Property

The Board of Education recognizes that the primary purpose of the District is to provide a superior atmosphere for learning and education.  Any action by an individual or group aimed at disrupting, interfering or delaying the education process or having such effect is prohibited.

The Board also recognizes its responsibility to protect school property and declares its intent to take any and all legal action to prevent its damage or destruction.  The Board will also seek restitution from, and prosecution of, any person or persons who willfully damage school property.

These rules govern the conduct of students, parents, faculty and other staff, other visitors, licensees, invitees, and all other persons, whether or not their presence is authorized, upon District property, and also upon or with respect to any other premises or property (including school buses) under the control of the District and used in its instructional programs, administrative, cultural, recreational, athletic, and other programs and activities, whether or not conducted on school premises.

It is not the intent of this policy to limit freedom of speech or peaceful assembly.  The Board recognizes that free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the objectives of a school district.  The purpose of the rules and regulations is to prevent abuse of the rights of others and to maintain public order.

All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner.  In addition, all persons on school property or attending a school function are expected to be properly attired for the purpose they are on school property.

Prohibited Conduct
In order to maintain public order on school property or at school-sponsored activities, the Board has prohibited the following conduct or acts on school property, either singly or in concert with others:

  1. willfully cause physical injury to any other person, or threaten to do so, for the purpose of compelling or inducing such other person to refrain from any act which he/she has a lawful right to do, or to do any act which he/she has a lawful right not to do;
  2. intimidate, harass or discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability;
  3. physically restrain or detain any other person, or remove such person from any place where he/she is authorized to remain;
  4. intentionally damage or destroy school district property or the personal property of a teacher, administrator, other District employee or any person lawfully on school property, including graffiti or arson, or remove or use such property without authorization;
  5. without permission, expressed or implied, enter into any private office of an administrative officer, member of the faculty or staff member;
  6. enter upon and remain in any building or facility for any purpose other than its authorized uses or in such manner as to obstruct its authorized uses by others;
  7. without authorization, remain in any building or facility after it is normally closed;
  8. refuse to leave any building or facility after being required to do so by an authorized administrative officer, member of the faculty or staff member, or member of the Board of Education;
  9. obstruct the free movement of persons and vehicles in any place to which these rules apply;
  10. violate the traffic laws, parking regulations or other restrictions on vehicles;
  11. deliberately disrupt or prevent the peaceful and orderly conduct of classes, lectures and meetings or deliberately interfere with the freedom of any person to express his/her views, including invited speakers;
  12. knowingly have in his/her possession upon any premises to which these rules apply any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver, or other firearm or weapon except in the case of law enforcement officers or except as specifically authorized by the school district;
  13. possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or be under the influence of either on school property or at a school function;
  14. willfully incite others to commit any of the acts herein prohibited with specific intent to procure them to do so;
  15. distribute or wear materials on school grounds or at school functions that are obscene, advocate illegal action, appear libelous, obstruct the rights of others, or are disruptive to the school program.
  16. the distribution or posting of any written material, pamphlets or posters without the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

In addition to appropriate disciplinary rules and procedures, school officials shall, where warranted, contact appropriate law enforcement officials when any prohibited conduct is a violation of criminal laws.

August 19, 2024