Barbie & Black Panther bungee jumping in WVHS college statistics class
Have you ever heard of Bungee Barbie?
Students taking college-level statistics recently completed the Barbie Bungee Culminating Activity for the Describing Relationships unit. Ms. Fothergill’s Mount Saint Mary College Statistics students completed the Barbie Bungee Culminating Activity for their unit on describing relationships.
The activity required students to predict the number of rubber bands needed for their Barbie to bungee 358 cm without hitting the floor. First, students collected data on small scale bungee jumps in the classroom.
Then, they charted their unit knowledge in a spreadsheet to calculate a “line of best fit,” a straight line drawn on a graph that best represents the data on a plot. They are used to make predictions and show trends in data.
The statisticians used their data to make predictions about their drops. Finally, the Barbies and Black Panther made their bungee jumps in the stairwell to see whose predictions were closest.
Watch Barbie and Black Panther bungee jump below this story!
The winners were Josiah Jones, Harrison Neil, Paige Girardi, and Owen Tillinghast.