WVMS hosts annual Veterans breakfast


WVMS hosts annual Veterans breakfast

May 22, 2024

Warwick Valley Middle School hosted its annual Veterans Breakfast on Wednesday, May 22. On a perfect spring morning, Warwick Valley Middle School students, teachers, staff, and invited veterans gathered outside of the Dorothy C. Wilson Education Center. Ms. Joan Rueckert began the morning with a few words of appreciation for veterans and their families. 

Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Leach also welcomed the district’s guests, and was joined by WVMS Principal Jared Yapkowitz and Associate Principal Jordan Slattery in expressing their gratitude and appreciation for the veterans and their service. Elected officials included Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus and Town of Warwick Supervisor Jesse Dwyer, who also shared a some words of gratitude — as well as remembrance — for veterans of the United States military.

There were abundant and beautiful arrangements of food on the tables, including some special treats made by teacher Corrine Lane and students in the Culinary and Home and Careers classes. There were also performances by the WVMS Ukelele Club, directed by Shane Peters, and the Honors Symphony Orchestra and Wire Choir, led by Elissa Maynard.

As the breakfast came to a close, handmade afghans in patriotic colors by Ms. Rivera, and quilts made by Ms. Lane’s seventh grade Home and Careers class were presented to veterans who entered a raffle. 

This annual breakfast gets better year after year, and has become one of the district’s most anticipated events. This year was no exception, and WVMS students and staff are glad to have had the opporunity to spend time with — and serve — our veteran, Thank you Ms. Lane, Ms. Fox, Mr. Peters, Ms. Maynard and everyone who collaborated on making this event such a huge success!


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