WVHS new student/freshman orientation is Wednesday, August 30


WVHS new student/freshman orientation is Wednesday, August 30

August 14, 2023

The Warwick Valley High School administration and school counseling department will host an orientation for all incoming freshmen and new students to Warwick Valley High School from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

During the program, students will meet their counselors, review class schedules, participate in workshops with our Wildcat Ambassadors, learn about the rotating schedule and unit lunch, and learn about all of the extracurricular activities that WVHS school has to offer. In addition, students will be given the opportunity to have their questions about Warwick Valley High School answered.

All freshmen and new students are strongly urged to attend the orientation, as this personalized introduction is designed to make the first days of school a smooth and positive transition into WVHS.

To register for the orientation, please click on the link below:

New Student Orientation Registration Form


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