WVHS musicians enjoy visit, guidance from professors of Purchase College Conservatory of Music


WVHS musicians enjoy visit, guidance from professors of Purchase College Conservatory of Music

December 2, 2021

In preparation for their upcoming Orchestra Winter Concert on December 7, the Chamber Orchestra had the honor to work with conductor Ms. Mina Kim from the Purchase Conservatory this past Tuesday. Ms. Kim spent the morning working on the overall blend, phrasing, and intonation of the group. 

Ms. Kim was so impressed with the Chamber Orchestra students that following rehearsal she said, “This orchestra sounds amazing. Mrs. Maynard, you are doing a fantastic job with the students.”

Chamber Orchestra members were grateful for the opportunity and took all of Ms. Kim’s remarks to heart.

“I loved how she told us that music isn’t what’s written on the page, and that it can’t be seen or touched but can be only heard and felt,” said senior Skye Rivera.

(View rehearsal images & video below this story!)

Following the orchestra rehearsal, Professor and Singer-Songwriter Ms. Rebecca Haviland spent a fun hour with Music Production students. They listened to their compositions, and Ms. Haviland provided feedback, answered questions, and informed students of their options as music majors at the conservatory.

“I am really excited now and have a better idea of what I want to do as a music major,” said senior Ben Samberg, who is applying to Purchase Conservatory for Cello Performance and Studio Production.

Also in attendance was David Recca, who provided vocal training to WVHS choral students and the Director of the Conservatory Jennifer Undercoefler.

Needless to say, it was a busy morning for the Music Department and Warwick Valley High School.





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