Physical Education Department Rules, Policies & Procedures

Physical Education Department Rules, Policies & Procedures

Warwick Valley High School

    Students: Communicate with teachers. Stay in the know.
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    Student Expectations

    Students will:

    • Be punctual, dress in proper attire, demonstrate a positive attitude, put forth acceptable effort in all activities, and follow all rules and procedures of the class and school.
    • Attend only their scheduled Physical Education class.
    • Not be allowed to leave other scheduled classes (including study hall) to participate in a PE class that they are not scheduled for.
    • Not be allowed to enter the gym without a pass after the gym doors have been locked for a scheduled class. The doors are locked immediately after the 2nd bell rings.
    • Demonstrate good sportsmanship, civility and citizenship while engaged in all activities.

    Graduation Credit

    • Students are required to complete four years of PE upon entering High School.
    • Students will receive ½ credit each year upon successful completion of both semesters of PE.
    • Students are required to earn two credits of PE in order to graduate from high school.

    Dress Policy

    • Sneakers that will provide good support are mandatory inside or out. Platform or elevated sneakers and backless sneakers are not acceptable. Sandals, boat shoes, slippers, or flip flops are not acceptable.
    • Shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and windbreakers are all acceptable attire. A change of clothes to PE clothing allows for more freedom of movement and will encourage maximum participation in the activity.
    • No phones visible
    • No ear buds, headphones, or air pods
    • Hoods off head while indoors for safety

    Medical Note or Illness

    • Students may be excused from participating in class due to illness upon request.
    • Students will be responsible for making up any excused absences that are not related to a school function.
    • Students with a doctor’s note will earn credit in a variety of ways. This may include but are not limited to:
      • Assist in class procedures such as: officiating, spotting and score keeping
      • Write a report on a topic relating to sports, wellness, and physical fitness from books, magazines, or a reputable source on the internet.
    • Students will inform their teacher of any medical restrictions such as asthma, diabetes, allergies, etc.


    • Students will be allowed 3 “free” excused absences and 1 “free” unprepared for class before any point deductions begin.
    • More than 3 legal absences or 1 unprepared class will result in a 10 point deduction from grade for each subsequent offense (5 points for preparedness and 5 points for participation).
    • Students receiving a failing grade for the semester will be required to repeat physical education to earn their credit.


    • Students will be provided an opportunity to make up legally missed PE classes.
    • Students will be able to make up classes for the following: legal absence from school (not school related) and unprepared classes.
    • School-sponsored Absences (Field Trips, Athletic Events, Mandatory Testing, etc..) are excused and will not need to be made up.
    • Makeup classes will be held Monday-Thursday (afterschool) from 2:40 -3:30 pm.
    • Students will have a pass signed upon entry and exit by the fitness room supervisor and return the pass to their respective teacher for credit.

    Cutting Class

    • Students will receive a 10 point deduction for each cut class (prepared and participation points for the day). A cut is when students are not in class when they are signed in school.
    • Students who cut a PE class will not be allowed to make that class up.

    Classroom Etiquette

    • Food and drink are not permitted into the gymnasium.
    • Students must obtain a pass from a PE teacher before leaving the gym.


    Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!