

Warwick Valley High School

All mathematics classes, except OCCC College Algebra, OCCC Trigonometry, OCCC Calculus and Precalculus, utilize the TI 84 plus graphing calculator when developing, exploring and enhancing certain topics.

ALGEBRA I Regents (2411) 1 Credit

1 Credit  
Algebra is the first of three mathematics courses ending in a New York State Regents Examination. Algebra provides tools and ways of thinking that are necessary for solving problems in a wide variety of disciplines including science, business, the social sciences and the fine arts. Students’ Algebra skills will be honed while exploring the real number system.  Students will discover structure in expressions by performing operations on polynomials.  Students will explore and perform operations on rational and irrational expressions. Students will model real-world situations using linear, quadratic, absolute value and exponential functions.  Systems of equations will also be addressed. Data analysis, including measures of central tendency and visual representations of data will be studied, along with probability.  Students will take the NYS Algebra 1 Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)

ALGEBRA 1A (24031A)

1 Credit    
Algebra 1A is the first year of a two-year Algebra 1 sequence. The 1A curriculum will provide tools and ways of thinking that are necessary for solving problems in a wide variety of disciplines. Students will explore the real number system and quantities. They will create and reason with linear equations and inequalities and discover structure in expressions in order to manipulate arithmetic and polynomial expressions. Students will explore systems of linear equations and linear functions and use them to model real-world problem situations. The course will end with a departmental final assessment.

(This course is NCAA Approved for .5 credit.)

ALGEBRA 1B (24031B)

1 Credit
The Algebra 1B course is the second year of the two-year Algebra 1 sequence. Students will explore quadratic, exponential and absolute value functions and use them to model real-world problem situations. Students will extend their knowledge of linear systems to solving systems involving quadratics. Data analysis, including measures of central tendency and visual representations of data will be studied, along with probability.  Students will take the NYS Algebra 1 Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved for .5 credit.)


1 Credit     Prerequisite: Pass either Algebra 1 or Algebra 1B and the NYS Algebra 1 Regents Exam
This is the second math course for students who have completed Algebra. Within this course students will have the opportunity to make conjectures about geometric situations and provide informal justifications for these conjectures. The course is meant to employ an integrated approach to the study of transformational, Euclidean, and coordinated geometries. Properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles will receive particular attention. Additionally, algebraic techniques will be integrated into the study of geometry to help create algebraic equations and hone their skills.  The course will end with a departmental final assessment.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit     Prerequisite: 85% or higher in Algebra 1 Honors course or a 90% or higher in Algebra 1 Regents course. Passed the NYS Algebra 1 Regents exam with an 85% or higher, and Teacher Recommendation.
This Honors-level course curriculum parallels that of the Geometry Regents course; however, topics are enriched. Students are expected to demonstrate exceptional work ethics, a high level of interest, and mathematical insight. Students will take the NYS Geometry Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit     Prerequisite: Pass Algebra 1R with 80%. Passed the NYS Algebra 1 exam
Geometry is the second mathematics course ending in a New York State Regents Examination. It is the recommended course for the students pursuing the Advanced Regents diploma. This course will rely on the introduction to geometry concepts using transformational Geometry and constructions. Within this course, students will have the opportunity to make conjectures about geometric situations and provide both formal and informal justification for these conjectures. The course is meant to employ an integrated approach to the study of transformational, Euclidean, and coordinate geometries. Properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles will receive particular attention. Students will be expected to master the use of a compass and straightedge. Geometry is meant to lead students to an understanding that reasoning and proof are fundamental aspects of mathematics and something that sets it apart from other sciences.  Students will take the NYS Geometry Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)

ALGEBRA 2 (2436)

1 Credit     Prerequisite: Pass Algebra 1 and Geometry with a 80% or higher
Students will review their study of linear, quadratic and exponential functions and expand their repertoire to include polynomial, rational and radical functions. Students work with expressions that define the functions and continue to model situations to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers. The notion of logarithms will be introduced. The Mathematical Practice standards apply throughout the course.  The course will end with a departmental final assessment.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit     Prerequisite: Pass Algebra 1 AND Geometry course and exam with an 85% in previous honors-level or 90% in Regents and teacher recommendation
This Honors-level course curriculum parallels that of the Algebra 2 Regents course; however, topics are enriched. Students are expected to demonstrate exceptional work ethics, a high level of interest, and mathematical insight. Use of a graphing calculator is an integral part of the course.  Students will take the NYS Algebra 2 Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit      Prerequisite: Algebra 1 & Pass Geometry R and with a 80% average
Algebra 2 is the capstone course of the three courses that end in a New York State Regents examination. In Algebra 2, students extend their study of linear, quadratic and exponential functions to include polynomial, rational and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions and continue to increase and enhance their abilities to model situations and to solve equations. This includes solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout the course and together with the content standards, prescribe the students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.   Students will take the NYS Algebra 2 Regents Exam at the end of the course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)

College PRECALCULUS* (MSMC-MTH1500) (2441)

1 Credit     Prerequisite: Algebra 2 CC with 85% or higher and Teacher Recommendation
This course has a locally designed syllabus, which prepares the student for College Calculus. Topics include: functions (graphing, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, inverses); advanced algebraic techniques, theory of equation; conic sections, analytical trigonometry; parametric equations; polar coordinates; matrices, sequences and series; three-dimensional geometry, probability and statistics; mathematical inductions and calculus of polynomial functions. The course will end with a departmental final assessment.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit     Prerequisite: SUNY Orange College Algebra and Trigonometry with a 90% or higher and teacher recommendation.

AP Calculus BC is a fast-paced honors-level course designed to cover the equivalent of the first two college Calculus courses. Calculus BC covers the same three “big ideas” covered in Calculus AB; namely, limits, derivatives, and integrals with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. However, it takes these ideas and explores them in additional contexts and also adds a fourth “big idea” of series. The class culminates in an AP exam in early May.

Requirement: Students need to have a TI-84 Plus or TI-Inspire graphing calculator. Any higher level graphing calculator will not be allowed to be used in class, for example a TI-85, 86, 89, or 92 graphing calculator. The course terminates with the required Advanced Placement Calculus Examination. There is a fee to the students for the AP exam. Some colleges and universities grant credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the Advanced Placement Examination.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)

College Statistics* (MSMC – MAT 2070) (2447)

1 HS Credit/3 College Credits   Prerequisite:  Completion of Algebra 2 Regents or Honors with 80 or better OR completion of Pre-Calc/ OCCC CAT.

Introduction to the fundamental concepts of applied statistics that include elementary probability, descriptive statistics, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Emphasis is given to applications of these concepts in the managerial, business and behavioral sciences. The course is broken into two parts; descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Topics include:  summarizing and presenting data using MS Excel, measures of center, spread and position, binomial probability distribution, geometric distribution, normal distribution, t-test, chi-square test, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and linear regression.


1 Credit     Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Regents course and exam, Geometry or Algebra 2 course
This is a one-year course designed to provide statistical theory with applications. Topics that will be studied will include exploring data, data organization, sampling and experimentation, chance and probability and statistical inference. Each unit will include a student project in which students will be able to pursue interests in science, research, business, athletics, civics, communications, advertising/marketing, politics, religion, etc.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1 Credit  Prerequisite: Students would be required to have passed Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2.

This is a full-year course designed to prepare students for college entrance exams and/or entry-level college math courses. Topics in this course will include the study of topics such as Trigonometry, number theory, probability, set theory, logic, Boolean algebra, combinatorics, recursion, basic algebraic structures, and graph theory.


1 Credit     Prerequisite: Pass Algebra 1R or Algebra 1B 

In this course, students will learn and apply fundamental mathematical concepts such as basic order of operations, real numbers, percent, measurement, calculator usage, fractions, decimals, problem-solving, rations and proportions to situations as they occur in daily life. Topics will include taxes, personal finance (budgeting), purchasing, housing, insurance, investment and business finance. This course features examples in a problem-solving format that allows students to use mathematical skills in consumer situations. The primary goal of this math course is to develop student abilities to make rational and informed decisions to lead successful lives.


1 HS Credit / 4 College Credits     Prerequisite: Student must pass Pre-Calculus with an 85% or above and teacher recommendation OR SUNY College Algebra/Trig
This course is designed for students that have completed three years of mathematics. The course is being offered through SUNY Orange and upon completion the student will earn 4 college credits. The course will cover the Calculus 1 curriculum offered at SUNY Orange. Curriculum includes algebraic functions and transformations, trigonometric functions and identities, limits, continuity, derivatives, implicit differentiation, related rate problems, Rolles’ Theorem and Mean Value Theorem, curves, sketching, applications of differential, anti-differentiation, the definite integral, sigma notation and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. *There is a tuition fee charged by SUNY Orange for this course.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1/2 HS Credit 3 College Credits     Prerequisite: Juniors must have at least a 90 average in Algebra 2 Regents. Seniors must have at least 85 in all math courses including Algebra 2 Regents.

This course is designed for juniors in high school who have completed three years of NYS Regents level mathematics and have achieved an 85 average not only in Algebra 2 but throughout their whole high school math career. The course is offered through SUNY Orange and upon completion, the student will earn three college credits. The course will cover the College Algebra curriculum offered at SUNY Orange. The course is intended as the first course for students who plan to continue on towards the study of Calculus. Curriculum includes a thorough treatment of the concept of functions and their graphs, linear and quadratic functions, polynomial and rational functions, inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections and the binomial formula. *There is a tuition fee charged by SUNY Orange for this course. *Students may be responsible for purchasing their own textbooks for the college classes.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)


1/2 HS Credit 3 College Credits     Prerequisite: Juniors must have at least a 90 average in Algebra 2 Regents. Seniors must have at least 85 in all math courses including Algebra 2 Regents.

This course is designed to be the second part of the junior year for a junior who has completed College Algebra their first semester. It is only available to students who have completed College Algebra. The course is offered through SUNY Orange and upon completion, the student will earn three college credits. The course will cover the College Trigonometry curriculum offered at SUNY Orange. The course is intended as the second course for students who plan to continue on towards the study of Calculus. Curriculum includes trigonometric functions, graphing techniques, right triangle applications, trigonometric identities, inverse functions, oblique triangles, two-dimensional vectors, and complex numbers in trigonometric form. *There is a tuition fee charged by SUNY Orange for this course. *Students may be responsible for purchasing their own textbooks for the college classes.

(This course is NCAA Approved.)