Careers and Technology

Careers and Technology

Warwick Valley High School


.5 credit
Do you want to know your legal rights and how to use them? Business Law is one of your most valuable subjects that will help you to gain the knowledge needed to protect yourself as a citizen, driver, and help you to achieve an understanding of legal principles you will use throughout your life. Students will study true situations that show how business and personal law impacts not only business, but also the lives of young people and adults. Business Law deals with ethics, rights of minors, contracts, consumer protection, employment law and contracts, property, insurance, partnerships, and corporations. Contemporary legal issues are discussed. This course is open to students in grades 10 – 12.


1 credit
In this analysis of current business practices, the following topics are examined:  a comparison of economic systems, forms of ownership, small business, social responsibility, management and organization, finance and investment, marketing, human resources, and international business.  Topical issues are used to reinforce terminology and concepts. To be eligible for college credit students meet the following criteria as determined by Mt. Saint Mary College:

  • Seniors require a minimum GPA of 85
  • Juniors require a minimum GPA of 90

Juniors and Seniors who do not meet the GPA requirement for College Credit may still enroll in this course for high school credit only.


1 HS Credit, Pre-requisites: open to juniors and seniors
Nearly one-third of our nation’s labor force involves one area of marketing or another.  Learn about the various types of marketing careers. Students will learn about the marketing of products and services. Overview of marketing strategy, market segmentation, consumer behavior, advertising and promotion, channels of distribution, marketing institutions and legal and economic issues will also be covered. Experience how to plan, promote, distribute, price and create new products.  A marketing plan won’t sell your product if your customer does not trust you. Be prepared to study the needs and wants of today’s consumers and emphasis on current products and companies. A portion of this course will also focus on sports and entertainment marketing. Marketing projects and activities will also be completed.


.5 Credit     Prerequisite: Algebra 1R
If you love to cook or want to learn, this introductory class will give you more than the basics. Taste of Culinary Arts introduces the student to the basic principles of cooking, baking and kitchen operations. Emphasis is placed on practical experiences including recipe conversion, measurements, terminology, knife cuts, safe food/equipment handling, flavorings/seasoning, and stocks/sauces/soups. Other topics include preparation methods for protein, starch, vegetable/fruit identification/selection, storage, breakfast cookery, breads, sweet dough/pastries, and mise en place. Upon completion, students should be able to efficiently execute a broad range of basic cooking/baking skills as they apply to different stations in foodservice operations.


1 Credit / Prerequisite: Algebra I
Students are introduced to the engineering design process, applying math, science and engineering standards to identify and design solutions to a variety of real problems through hands-on projects. They work both individually and in collaborative teams to develop and document design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work. Students will progress from completing structured activities to solving open-ended projects and problems that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication and other professional skills.


1 Credit   Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design – PLTW
Manufactured items are part of everyday life, yet most students have not been introduced to the high-tech, innovative nature of modern manufacturing. This course illuminates the opportunities related to understanding manufacturing. At the same time, it teaches students about manufacturing processes, product design, robotics, and automation. Students can earn a virtual manufacturing badge recognized by the National Manufacturing Badge system.


1 Credit, Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design – PLTW.     Pass Chemistry or Physics with at least an 80%. Can be enrolled concurrently in Physics.
This course exposes students to major concepts they’ll encounter in a post-secondary engineering course of study. Topics include mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, and kinematics. They develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges, document their work and communicate solutions.


1 Credit, Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design – PLTW
Students learn important aspects of building and site design and development. They apply math, science, and standard engineering practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3D architecture software.


1/2 Credit, No Prerequisite
Robotics and Engineering offers interested students the opportunity to develop and use engineering tools, materials, methods and skills in an effort to design and build a creative solution to real and challenging problems. Students are given a chance to do what engineers do: turn ideas into robust working machines by coupling hard work with basic science and mathematics skills and concepts. This class provides students with the opportunity to develop and demonstrate creative engineering skills and talents.


.5 Credit, Prerequisite: Robotics Class (Vex Robotics)
This course will offer students the opportunity to work as designers and engineers utilizing the REV Robotics Education Bot and documenting their learning experience using an engineering notebook. This project-based course culminates with a classroom replica of the competitive FIRST Tech Challenge game that is based on the current season’s challenge, including live game elements to host competitions with the class.


½ Credit     Prerequisite: None
Students will learn the basic principles of: engineering design; tools, resources, and technological processes. Students operate CNC machinery to learn about the production processes.


½ Credit/ Prerequisite: None
Students learn the series of steps and operations used to transform raw-materials into finished goods through different materials. The course is driven by students who are interested in creating hands-on projects.


½ Credit/ Prerequisite: None
This is an introductory course for the extensive field of electricity. This course is here to provide hands-on experiences using an array of technical subjects key to the foundation and basic principles of electricity. This course will provide the opportunity to learn, apply, and control the laws governing voltage, current, resistance and power.


.5 Credit, Open to Juniors or Seniors
The Electric Car course is a STEM-based, hands-on (project-based) curriculum focused on building students’ confidence and interest in manufacturing. Students will perform basic assembly steps in a logical and methodical manner while investigating the environment, resource issue, and alternative sources for fuels and energy. During the course, students will learn the proper use of tools, safety standards, and general automotive procedures. The course incorporates primarily off the shelf automotive products along with a custom chassis to engage the student in a significant project, specifically the assembly of a vehicle they can eventually drive. In addition to overcoming the technical challenges of building and understanding the vehicle, students will learn the soft skills required to function in environments requiring teamwork, project management, communication, organizational skills, and cooperation.

Introduction to Engineering – (2737)

.5 Credit
Introductory Technology class that focuses on basic drawing skills that coincide with real world application. Students will use tools from the lab in 139 to explore how Technology, Science and Math are combined to create products for everyday use.

Advanced AutoCAD* – (6060)

1 Credit, Prerequisite: Design for Drawing & Production or Intro to Engineering or Permission of Instructor
A hands-on course in the use of current CADD software using various computer aided drawing (CAD) platforms. Students will complete a variety of drafting and design problems using CAD to execute both two and three-dimensional drawings and drawings. Students will produce drawings of their own design as well as assigned exercises. Drawings will be printed and/or plotted and evaluated.

ENGINEERING 101* – (6061)

1 Credit, Prerequisite:  Priority given to Seniors
An introduction to Engineering as a career with emphasis on communication skills using AutoCAD and Autodesk Fusion. Students will complete project based problems using our 3D printer, laser cutters, and CNC milling machines while exploring different career path options within the engineering field. 


.5 Credit / Prerequisite: Algebra 1
CS Python Fundamentals is an introductory-level programming course for students brand new to programming and computer science. In this course, you will learn problem-solving strategies, software design, and the foundations of computer science. The course is taught using the programming language of Python.


1 Credit / Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Science and Algebra 1
AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) is a full-year, rigorous course that introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and explores the impact computing and technology have on our society. The course covers a broad range of foundational topics including: programming (using Scratch and Python as the primary programming languages), algorithms, the Internet, big data, digital privacy and security, and the societal impacts of computing.

Students enrolled in this course are expected to take the Advanced Placement examination in May. Some colleges grant credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Exam.  There is a fee to the students for the AP exam.

AP Computer Science A (6052)

1 Credit, Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Science and Algebra 1
This course focuses on the details of writing computer software using the Java programming language. Our goal is to stress an object-oriented perspective throughout the material. The course emphasizes basic ideas of software engineering and our goal of developing high-quality software. We will also look at and discuss social and ethical issues around computing throughout the year. Students enrolled in this course are expected to take the Advanced Placement examination in May. Some colleges grant credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Exam.  There is a fee to the students for the AP exam.


1 Credit, Prerequisite: Open to grades 10 – 12
Identify cybersecurity threats and protect against them. Detect intrusions and respond to attacks. Begin to examine your own digital footprint and better defend your own personal data. Learn how organizations protect themselves in today’s world. Whether seeking a career in the emerging field of cybersecurity or learning to defend their own personal data or a company’s data, students in PLTW Cybersecurity establish an ethical code of conduct while learning to defend data in today’s complex cyberworld.


2 Credits / Prerequisite: Open to 11th & 12th grade students
Students study the American criminal justice system, the police, courts and corrections, including labs, fingerprinting, ballistics, career exploration and police defensive tactics. This is a 3-period CTE course.


1 Credit / Corequisite:  Introduction to Criminal Justice
Students learn basic lab skills applied to forensic sciences. Labs include DNA, ballistics, glass fragmentation, tool marks, blood spatter, classification and other forensic techniques.


2 Credits / Prerequisite: Open to 11th & 12th grade students
Students will be learning about societal responses to people and organizations which violate criminal codes; police, courts, juries, prosecutors, defense and correctional agencies, and the standards and methods used to respond to crime and the elements, defense and correctional and victim assistance.  Students will also examine the role, development, policies and management of different public agencies and organizations which consist of the criminal justice system, probation and parole’s effectiveness, the juvenile justice system, adjudication and transnational organized crime. This is a 3-period CTE course.


1 Credit / Corequisite:  Introduction to Criminal Justice
Students will learn how psychology and science, both in theory and practice, applies to issues related to law and our legal system.  Topics include recovered memories, strategies used during interviewing of witnesses, expert testimony, eyewitness testimony and the social psychology of the courtroom. Students will explore research and theory from psychology, science disciplines which include: crime scene investigations, insanity, mental competence, jury decision making, fingerprinting, latent evidence, forensics anthropology, forensic entomology. Students will also learn about the legal and administrative applications of processing a crime scene.


3 Credits / Prerequisite: Criminal Justice 1
Students will study police and security procedures, such as report-writing, patrol techniques and criminal investigation. Students will participate in work-study groups with local police and other law enforcement to learn technical skills through on-the-job experience and observation. Students can earn their FEMA ICS-100/ICS-700// NY State Security Guard License 8hr//16 hr OJT,  upon successful completion of the course and state exam. Students will begin a career with an updated resume and portfolio.


1 Credit
This one period course will introduce students to the basic aspects of multi-camera television production, forms, and techniques.  These include studio procedures, producing, directing, camera operation, composition, lighting, audio operation, switching, graphics, and on-camera performance.  By the end of the course, students should be able to enter any television studio with a good understanding of equipment operation, production procedures and the behavior expected of and by media professionals.  The importance of achieving technical self-sufficiency is stressed. During the course of the year, student teams will produce public service announcements, public affairs programs, and various special even products (debates, quiz show, podcast, skits.).  Students will also be taught how to take the studio into the field as an EFP production. Special projects and the availability of extracurricular activities vary from year to year and will be announced in class. All students will be required to participate in two of these projects.


3 Credits / Open to 11th & 12th grade students 
The foundations of real world broadcast media are taught through content-driven, purposeful instruction. Students will learn through hands-on assignments the factors and production practices that elevate broadcast standards over prosumer internet video. Professional camera knowledge, usage and application are taught through industry standard Electronic New Gathering (ENG) assignments inclusive of b-roll, man of the street interviews (MOS), voice over sound on tape (VOSOT) and news reports. In addition, students will learn the basics of media management and about the emerging industry standard nonlinear editing program Adobe Premiere. Students will also learn the various roles required to create content in a studio setting; teaching the interdependency that is the foundation of broadcast media. Frequent visits by industry experts and industry field trips will be used to broaden student awareness of the meriad employment opportunities within broadcast media. 

VIDEO PRODUCTION 2 (7021)                                                            

3 Credits / Prerequisite: Video Production 1 or Communications 1 & 2 / Open to Juniors and Seniors
Advanced broadcast media methods and practices will be utilized by second year students to prepare and execute completed in studio and Electronic Field Production (EFP) products for both internal and external customers. EFP events to include scholastic sports, musical performances, dramas and community events. Preproduction best practices and targeted story development skills will be further developed to aid students in the effectiveness and connectedness of their content with their targeted audiences.  Working within established standards of the industry, students will be challenged to develop a fully produced video feature of their own design highlighting a story or issue that is of local interest and importance. The administrative side of production will also be taught to include remote site survey techniques, production budgeting and crew scheduling and supervision. Students completing this two-year program will receive a CDOS Commencement Credential from the NYS Board of Regents as a certificate that the student has the knowledge and skills necessary for entry level employment.


The two year cosmetology course is designed to prepare students with 1000 hours of practical experience to take and pass the NYS Cosmetology Licensing Exam. Topics of study include: Hair, skin and nail care, general applied science, math and English skills, as well as, successful entry level business practices.