1/2 Credit No Prerequisite
Studio Art I and II (along with Foundations in Art and DDP) are two courses which are the foundation for learning art at the high school level. They also serve as prerequisites for all of the other art courses as well as meeting the graduation requirement. These courses teach the student various techniques, art applications, traditional art practices, theory and elements and principles of design. Through a variety of projects, students will learn how to create value studies, use colored pencil, paint with acrylic and watercolor, delve into ceramics, as well as learn one and two point perspectives.
1/2 Credit
Studio Art II builds upon the techniques, art applications, traditional art projects, theory and elements and principles of design taught in Studio Art I taking this learning even further; preparing students for any course offered in the art department. Through a variety of projects, students will learn how to create three dimensional forms with pencil and pen, paint with acrylics, tempera and watercolor, create drawings in three point perspective, study a variety of printmaking techniques, work with clay, work in three dimensions with sculpture and study various artists throughout history.
Design for Drawing & Production (2736)
1 Credit
Students in Drawing Design and Production will discover the art of transforming concepts into reality through drafting plans, creating prototypes, and building 3D designs with cardboard and styrofoam.
1/2 Credit
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop a basic knowledge of ceramics, basic hand-building techniques and an introduction to wheel work. The course encompasses all ceramics related skills. Activities will be individualized according to the ability level of each student. Students will explore decorative techniques with glaze, texturing and incising into leather hard clay. Students will have the unique opportunity to be involved in the Empty Bowls Club, as well as contribute their own handmade bowls to the Warwick community event, Empty Bowls.
This course does not meet the NYS graduation requirement for the Arts.
1/2 Credit
This course builds upon knowledge gained in Ceramics 1. Students will initiate and solve challenging problems in ceramics using a variety of forming methods, including thrown forms, hollowware, composite and sculptural forms. More emphasis will be placed on advanced level slab and wheel work. We will develop the ability to be able to repeat a form both on the wheel and when hand-building. Ceramics 2 students will take a more active role in the Empty Bowls Club as well as contribute their own handmade bowls to the Warwick community event, Empty Bowls.
1/2 Credit
Drawing & Painting I is designed for students to expand their skills and knowledge gained in Studio Art I & II and Foundations. Students will explore a variety of techniques with pencil, charcoal, pen & ink, watercolor, and acrylics. Observational drawing, portraits and thematic illustrations are just a few subjects that will be covered in this course. Students will be required to maintain a sketchbook.
1/2 Credit
This course is the extension of Drawing & Painting I. Students will refine their technical skills in drawing and painting to create dynamic compositions with a focus on color. This course will aid in the development of both personal and college design portfolios. Students will be required to maintain a sketchbook.
1 Credit Prerequisite: MS Art Teacher recommendation
Foundations in Art is a full year honors level studio art course for incoming freshmen students who have expressed a high interest in the Arts. Students need to be recommended from their MS Art Teacher. It serves as prerequisites for all other art courses as well as meeting the graduation requirement. Students will acquire skills necessary for further commencement level art courses. This course teaches the student various techniques, art application, traditional art practice, theory and elements and principles of design. Through a variety of projects, students will develop a unique style and theme through learning how to develop value studies, colored pencils, painting and other art media.
1/2 Credit
Photography I will instruct the beginner on the use of a 35mm manual SLR camera and darkroom skills. The course will cover proper exposure, focus, and depth of field as well as shutter speed applications. Students will learn how to create a successful photograph by using composition, perspective and cropping techniques. Students will learn how to develop black and white film and create prints from those negatives.
*Due to limited equipment, if your student has their own 35 mm manual camera, we encourage them to bring it.
1/2 Credit
Darkroom Photography II will build upon the concepts learned in Darkroom Photography I and will continue with more advanced shooting and darkroom techniques. This is an advanced level art course geared toward the more serious art student who really enjoys photography. Students will learn studio lighting techniques, advanced exposure/metering and a variety of darkroom manipulation techniques. They will work on experimental projects inspired by contemporary photographers. Portfolios will be worked on throughout the semester.
1/2 Credit
Students will learn how to use a DSLR camera; learning all of the ins and outs of exposure, controlling shutter speed and aperture to take beautiful photographs. Photographic projects will be based on technical aspects of the camera as well as the aesthetic principles of art and design. Learning Adobe Photoshop will also be a large component of this course. Students will upload their images and learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to manipulate their images and create outstanding pieces of art.
1/2 Credit
Students go beyond the basics of digital photography and photo manipulation to explore, understand and utilize the manual features of a digital camera as well as the variety of opportunities for the advanced amateur and semi-professional photographer when using Adobe Photoshop. Students will complete a variety of projects that focus on using the many advanced features of a digital camera. Within these projects, students will also utilize Adobe Photoshop as any advanced or semi-professional photographer would, preparing them for the digital world and future digital courses in photography at college. While in Digital Photo II, students will also work on a digital photography portfolio, matting their 10 best pieces.
1/2 Credit
This course follows the N.Y. State Education Department module. Instructional activities will take place in the drafting facility. This course introduces the students to mechanical drawing through the use of equipment, language, and procedure. Topics include: Introduction to architectural design, problem solving, and blue prints.
1/2 Credit
This course is a computer-based architecture course using a CAD-style program. It will teach the students how to take the hand-drawn and engineered scale drawing from Architecture 1 and recreate them into working blueprints as well as three-dimensional views that would bring the flat one-dimensional drawing to life.
1/2 Credit
This half-year-long course will serve as a comprehensive introduction to basic aspects of fashion design. Students will learn vocabulary, technical skills, and history pertaining to fashion design. The focus will be on two-dimensional illustrated design (both traditional and digital illustrations) of garments. Students will experience the step-by-step design process of illustrating a fashion figure creating a complete and cohesive fashion line. The culminating final project: students will illustrate, construct and model dresses of their own design made entirely out of newspaper.
1 Credit Prerequisite: Grades 10-12
This is a project-based course in technical production including: familiarization with the planning, illustrating, and construction of basic stage scenery, and laboratory work on the high school theatrical productions. In addition, school/community projects will be integrated and students will have the opportunity to work in “design teams”, building collaborative work environments, addressing the goals and requirements of this class. The course takes an engineering approach to instructional development through the arts.
1 Credit Prerequisite: Junior or Senior; Foundations of Art or Studio Art, Drawing and Painting plus 1 additional art elective.
This course is designed for juniors and seniors who plan to pursue a career in the field of Art. Priority will be given to students who need this class to work on their portfolio for college portfolio reviews for entrance into an art college. Portfolio reviews generally take place between October and November of senior year. Portfolio and Art Careers requires advanced drawing and design skills. Students should be prepared to work in an array of mediums to create a portfolio for college review. A portfolio consisting of 15-18 pieces, a one person show and 2-3 college/career visits.
Sculpture I (2723)
1/2 Credit
Sculpture is a combination of traditional and non-traditional, sculpture-based disciplines, including hand -built ceramics, sculpture, metals,and recycled art. Students will learn the basic elements of three dimensional form such as scale, mass, color, movement and use of space. They will explore different mediums such as clay, paper, cardboard, recycled objects and wire. Students will plan, develop, and execute their ideas by learning to manipulate the materials through a range of techniques and processes. Students will also learn artistice terminology and about historic and contemporary artists, artworks, and movements.
Sculpture II (2724)
1/2 Credit
Sculpture II is for the students interested in exploring advanced techniques for creating sculpture. Satisfactory completion of Sculpture I will be a prerequisite for the course. The second level of sculpture would continue from the experience that Sculpture I provided. The course will focus on two or three process productions of a finished piece. Students will plan, develop and execute their ideas creating advanced works of art. Students will be encouraged to develop their own unique style through diverse media from small to large works.
1 Credit Prerequisite: Digital Photography 1 for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
The Yearbook/Publications course is a computer based class that focuses on graphic design and the production process of creating the school yearbook while incorporating Adobe Suite software. This course would allow students to learn layout design; write and fit copy, captions, and headlines; sell advertisements; learn basic photography skills; and be proficient on a computer. Students would use Photoshop and Jostens’ Layout Pro to create, edit, and learn advanced publishing techniques. The student who completes this course would have the opportunity to accept leadership positions, develop new skills, assume individual responsibility and work as part of a team towards the completion of the yearbook. In addition, they will gain life skills in time management, marketing and design principles.
Computer Advertising & Graphic Design (2731)
1/2 credit
This is an introductory course to computer enhanced Advertising and Graphic Design. An introduction to visual communication methods and principles of design and production processes. Topics will cover symbols, visual perception, conceptualization and layout stages, design principles, typography, illustration and imaging, color use. The students will learn the basics of programs like Photoshop & InDesign.