Warwick Valley High School Academic League Team competition update
The Warwick Valley High School Academic League team has completed two competitions this season with one more this spring!
In the fall, the team competed in the 3-2-1 Competition online. The competition consists of pyramidal short answer questions that have an audio or visual element. Students had three tries to answer the question correctly. If they are able to answer the question with the first clue, a total of six points will be awarded (three points, then two points, then one point).
If they are able to answer the question with the second clue, only three points will be awarded. If they need to use the final clue, then only one point will be awarded. This fall, the team ranked 29th out of 113 teams nationally. The team ranked first against all of the teams in New York State! The team will be competing in the 3-2-1 Competition again this spring.

Warwick Valley High School’s competes against James I. O’Neill in an Orange County Academic League match on Feb. 1, 2024.
On February 1, 2024, as the reigning champions, Warwick hosted the Orange County Academic League (OCAL) tournament. The tournament is modeled after “Quiz Bowl”. Each school has a team of five students competing at a time.
The questions that are asked touch all of the academic subject areas. Unfortunately, the Warwick team was knocked out in the first round of the competition. The OCAL Trophy was passed onto the Cornwall Dragons, who will host next year’s competition.
The Warwick team is led by team captains Josh Cornelius, Chloe Jarrous, Astrid Kelly, Suyash Srivastava and Conrad Wendel. The academic team is actively recruiting all students to the team. Practices are held on Mondays during Unit Lunch at 11 a.m. in room 216. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Mark, Mr. Warren or Ms. Persad.