Warwick students start attending Summer Academy
Warwick Valley Central School District students started attending the Warwick Summer Academy on July 12, 2021. The three-hour program is running daily for four weeks.
“It was great to have students back in the building,” said Sanfordville Elementary School Principal Johnna Maraia, whose school is hosting all of the K-4 students. “They were so excited to be here meeting their new teachers and friends and learning in fun ways!”
The purpose of the program is to help address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of interrupted instruction and learning loss. The Summer Academy will be using evidence-based strategies to meet students’ social, emotional, mental health and academic needs.
Funding for the program comes from the more than $6.2 million in federal allocations the district received. The funding will also give the District the opportunity to address other needs, such as maintaining proper ventilation and good indoor air quality, more outside classrooms, and staffing, among other expenses.
Summer Academy classes are taught by the District’s certified teachers. In grades K-8, there will be 75 minutes of ELA and math as well as 30 minutes of an encore subject. The high school will offer students credit recovery opportunities.
“We are very excited to be able to offer our students an opportunity to grow academically and socially this summer,” said WVMS Principal Georgianna Diopoulos.