Warwick Junior Police Academy holds graduation ceremony
In the outdoor theater at Kutz Camp on July 22, 2022, 20 junior cadets graduated from the inaugural Town of Warwick Police Department Junior Police Academy, a collaborative effort between the police department and the Warwick Valley Central School District.
The junior cadets, district students between the ages of 10 and 15, arrived in six police cars that drove up with lights and sirens. The members of the Junior Police Academy Class 01-22 were celebrated for their commitment to the academy, which emphasizes public service and leadership.
The 10-day program, which is headquartered at Warwick Valley High School, includes both classroom learning and hands-on, real world experiences. Activities and lectures were led by members of the police department and New York State Troopers. Presentations, workshops and field trips were led by local professionals.
The junior cadets were involved in activities, such as processing a playground “crime scene” using investigation techniques, touring the West Point Museum and Orange County Emergency Services Center, and learning defensive tactics, handcuffing techniques, yoga, and bicycle safety, among other things.
“Just 12 short days ago, we welcomed your family to ours and you trusted us with your children,” said Town of Warwick Police Chief John Rader during the ceremony. “That Monday I saw a group of kids come together for a new experience. Today, I see a group of young adults who over the last 10 days became a family of their own. They went from just trying to win competitions to cheering each other on and becoming a team. That’s one of the most valuable lessons that we learn as police officers: that we are a team.”
The program teaches the junior cadets many of the district’s Portrait of a Graduate qualities, including leadership, collaborative and communication skills, as well as citizenship and problem-solving.
“I’d like to congratulate the students who participated in the program,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Leach. “It was quite a sight to see the students learning leadership, collaboration and communication – and also having a lot of fun. Those are skills and attributes that we would all hope our students would have an opportunity to hone before they graduate.”
Class 22-01 president John Marciano described the program as amazing experience.
“I’ve learned a lot over the past two weeks specifically about integrity, the importance of a professional appearance and the complexities of being a police officer,” John said during the ceremony. “It’s been an honor and a privilege to work alongside the other cadets and to learn about being a police officer. As the son of a New York City police officer, it has given me a much clearer understanding of role my father plays in protecting the community.”
A second session of the academy will begin with a new class of cadets on August 1, and will continue until August 12.
View a slideshow of photographs from the ceremony below: