After several months of work on the #TheirFuture initiative, District administrators updated Board of Education members during a September 2016 board meeting. The information from that presentation follows:
#TheirFuture Process
More than 2,250 faculty, staff, parents, students and community members responded about the future direction of Warwick Valley Central School District with three main areas of focus:
Summary of Key Findings
- How learning takes place
- A district-wide culture of learning, growth and enjoyment
- Tuning “what we learn” to the real world
How Learning Takes Place
- Hands-on
- Experiential
- Project work revolving around big themes and group collaboration
- Fewer tests
- Real-world conditions
- In and with the greater community
A District-wide Culture of Learning, Growth and Enjoyment
- Build mutual trust amongst teachers, site administrators, and the district office
- Develop more opportunities for collaboration amongst educators
- Educate parents and students about the need to take deeper responsibility for the importance of school, and coming prepared each day to learn
- Support teachers who are passionate in their work and engaging in their relationships with students and welcoming of student participation
- Create an expectation that teachers will constantly continue to grow
- Strive for school to be engaging, enjoyable and exciting for students
Tuning “What We Learn” to the Real World
- Academic achievement is important – but not the only important job of schools
- Government-mandated academic standards should not dominate the guidelines of learning
- Expand the range of learning opportunities and a greater choice in what students study
- School should also focus on learning skills in five areas relevant to lifelong success and happiness after high school:
- Interpersonal skills
- Intrinsic motivation to learn
- Life skills
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
- Safety and wellness
Next Steps: North Star
- Input received from our students, parents, teachers and community members will be used to construct an all-District “North Star” vision statement to guide the District over the foreseeable future in terms of designing and implementing changes to the practice of education.
Next Steps: Focus on the Three Core Elements
- Curriculum – teachers will work toward mapping and implementing a rich curriculum for every course
- Instruction – emphasis on consistently delivering highly-effective instruction so all children are intellectually engaged
- Literacy – committed to elementary literacy effort through writing and reading workshops
Piloting/Design Teams
- Relatively small number of innovative practices:
- Curriculum Team Leaders (Curriculum)
- Learning Walks (Instructional)
- Writing Workshops & Fountas and Pinnell Training (Literacy)
Professional Development Plan
- Focused – Curriculum, Instruction, Literacy
- Ongoing – not a snapshot
- Internal Capacity – Distributed Leadership, Teacher Leaders
- Outside Consultants – e.g., Patty Vitale-Reilly, Greg Duncan, Jan Lutterbein
Professional Development
- Coherent Curriculum
- Mapping
- Learning targets
- Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF)
- Performance tasks
- Technology infusion
- Effective Instruction
- Learning walks
- Special Education – Consultant Model
- Social Studies work
- Authentic Literacy
- Writer’s Workshop – Major
- Fountas and Pinnell Training – Major
- Switch to A-F levels in Foreign Language – Minor
- Exposure to Readers Workshop, Leveled Libraries – Minor