Sanfordville Elementary School hosts PAWS Celebration


Sanfordville Elementary School hosts PAWS Celebration

December 1, 2023

Students at Sanfordville Elementary School got to celebrate their first trimester at school with a fun assembly that also reinforced good behavior, on December 1st, hosted by the Sanfordville PTA.

“This is a nice activity to celebrate their good PAWS behavior and their first few months at school,” said Principal Johnna Maraia.

Kindergarten, first and second grade students were visited by Brainstorm and got to enjoy a fun morning of game show activities in the “Mindstorm Game Show.” In a game similar to Jeopardy, student volunteers were chosen by the hosts and invited to the stage where they stood behind four podiums. They then were instructed to use the buzzer when they felt they had the answer to one of the questions being asked. 

Students, in groups of two, were shown images on the board and asked to name what they were, they were asked questions where they got to exercise their math skills, and they got to answer questions about different movies/TV shows and more. 

Excitement rang all throughout the lunchroom as students excitedly watched their peers on the stage doing their best to answer the questions.

As a fun addition, some of the teachers also got a chance to grace the stage where they competed to answer questions and see who got the most points.


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