Proposed budget includes lowest tax levy increase in eight years

Proposed budget includes lowest tax levy increase in eight years

While New York state set Warwick’s tax levy limit at .041% this year, district administrators are proposing a budget for 2016-17 that is under that limit, and will not require any tax levy increase. The proposed tax levy increase for next year is the lowest for Warwick since 2007-08.

The tax levy is the total amount of tax dollars collected by the school district. The tax levy limit is the highest allowable tax levy (before exclusions) that a district can propose as part of its annual budget, while requiring only a simple majority to pass.

“It would have been difficult to enhance programs without some increase in the tax levy if it were not for the non-tax revenue,” said Dr. David Leach. This includes rental income and tuitioning students, which has increased 21.9%—almost $574,000—this year.

“This budget enhances opportunities while having the lowest increase in the tax levy in almost a decade,” Dr. Leach said. “We are fortunate to live in a community that values and consistently supports education, and we don’t take that for granted.”

A history of the tax levy increases at WVCSD since 2000-01, shows a steady reduction in the increases