Park Avenue to participate in No Name-Calling Week on Jan. 17-21
The Warwick Valley Central School District will once again be participating in the nationwide No Name-Calling initiative. January 17–21 will be designated No Name-Calling Week in our schools with the national theme “Kindness in Action”! Our theme at Park Avenue Elementary School this year is “Plant Seeds of Kindness”. In an effort to highlight kindness as an alternative to name-calling and teasing, each student will have an opportunity to decorate a flower with positive affirmations and “plant” it in our “Park Avenue Kindness Garden”. In addition, we are celebrating No-Name Calling Week with a variety of fun activities each day.
Tuesday, January 18th – Blue Day
Wear blue, the color of bullying awareness, to show your support for No Name-Calling Week!
Wednesday, January 19th– Sweat Shirt and/or Pants Day!
Wear an appropriate sweat shirt and/or pants to show that It’s No Sweat to be a Friend to Someone!
Thursday, January 20th – Wear Red, White, and Blue
Wear Red, White, and Blue to show that We stand united against harmful words and actions!
Friday, January 21st- Purple and Gold Day
Wear purple and gold, our district colors, to reinforce the idea that We Are All on the Same Team!
Thank you in advance for helping your children participate in No Name Calling Week at Park Avenue Elementary School. We will continue throughout the year to emphasize the need to Plant Seeds of Kindness and put Kindness in Action!