Park Avenue launches read aloud program with hamsters in the hallways


Park Avenue launches read aloud program with hamsters in the hallways

February 1, 2022
Students at Park Avenue Elementary School kicked off their “One School, One Book®” reading program this morning!

“Mr. Ramos” and the 12 “Humphreys” getting ready to distribute books around Park Avenue for the One School, One Book read aloud program.


Meet Park Avenue’s newest teacher, “Mr. Ramos”! He’s heading up the Humphreys.

Led by Park Avenue’s “newest teacher” — Mr. Ramos — 12 hamsters, all named Humphrey, went classroom to classroom handing out books from the the According to Humphrey book series by Betty G. Birney.

You can see photos and video of Mr. Ramos and his friends below.


The “One School, One Book®” program encourages and enables reading together by providing schools with tools, resources, guidance, and support designed to inform everyone on benefits and importance of reading aloud at home. A growing body of research indicates that students who are read to learn to read more easily and become better readers.

And… here come the Humphreys! Heading your way, third floor!


Almost there. Just one more flight of ham-stairs to go!

Everyone at Park Avenue is so excited to get going on the tales of Humphrey the hamster and build their literacy skills, which can provide the basis for a lifetime of learning and productivity!


Here’s some video of Mr. Ramos introducing his friends to Mr. Calandra’s class. Enjoy, and enjoy the adventures of Humphrey at home.





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