Park Ave kindergarteners visit the local library
The sunshine and balmy temps of our current “bonus summer” made for the perfect conditions for a stroll through the community. Kindergarteners at Park Avenue Elementary set out Tuesday on a walking field trip to visit our good friends at the Albert Wisner Public Library.
View a gallery of the library walk below this story.
The students got their bodies moving and minds ready to learn as they made the half-mile trek. Once they arrived, they were greeted by the library children’s department supervisor Teresa Vela-Hayes. Ms. Hayes led the class through a presentation that included an enthusiastic “L-I-B-R-A-R-Y” cheer, a book reading where the students helped tell the story, and a tour of the awesomely equipped AWPL Children’s Room.
What fun we had hosting all of Warwick’s kindergarteners,” said Ms. Hayes. “September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, so it was the perfect time for our local kindergarten classes to visit us at Albert Wisner Public Library. Many of the students who visited will be receiving their own cards soon!”

“We learned all about the different materials and activities that are available at the public library,” said Park Avenue library media specialist Matthew Spicehandler. “We also learned that a public library belongs to all of its community members.”
The students also learned about the important ties between literacy, public
libraries and building thriving communities.
View a gallery of the library walk below this story.
Literacy is woven throughout every aspect of our academic programs in Warwick Valley schools, and our literacy program employs the Reader’s & Writer’s Workshop model, created by Teachers College (Columbia University). Components of Reader’s Workshop that are key to our balanced approach to literacy (and which are very similar to activities you can find at your local library) include independent and shared reading in different group sizes, read alouds and word work.

“Each child who visited the library was able to pick out a new book to take home with them,” said Ms. Hayes. “A gift from the library to remind them to come back soon!”
Thank you, Albert Wisner Public Library!
There really is something for everyone at the library. See what there is for YOU at Albert Wisner, on our Community Ebulletin Page. And if you’re interested in learning more about our elementary program, check out this presentation and video.
Here’s a look at the fun…