Internet Safety and Resources
Today, technology figures prominently into nearly every aspect of day-to-day life. People have instant access to an Internet full of extraordinary educational, entertainment, and social opportunities that were unavailable just a couple of short decades ago. This ever-increasing interconnectedness and growing information base – some trustworthy, some not – also poses new, critical risks for students as they explore, connect, and learn online. Online safety skills have become essential for helping students develop into responsible and positive digital citizens, making it vital that schools provide the tools and knowledge to help keep students safe and which information to trust online, to faculty and staff, as well as parents and guardians.
Warwick Valley Central School District (WVCSD) has always made internet safety part of its curriculum and is advancing its efforts to ensure a safe online environment.
The District’s technology department applies hardware and software solutions that carefully restrict the online content available to students while at school and on school-issued computers. The District meets and exceeds the guidelines of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and the New York Parent Bill of Rights, which requires schools to protect students’ privacy and safety online while at school as well as requiring schools to block or filter internet access to inappropriate content. District policy is also driven by the Dignity for All Students Act principles, which forbids discrimination or harassment in any form, including cyberbullying.
Additionally, WVCSD teachers are committed to monitoring usage and providing ongoing instruction on safe, responsible Internet use and electronic communications. However, the efforts made by school staff during the day can be supported by similar lessons learned at home. The faculty view technology and the internet as just one tool that they have to provide instruction to the students. For that reason, the District does try to limit screen time throughout the school day.
“The supervision and guidance our teachers provide every day to ensure Internet safety is a complement to our District’s commitment to identifying and applying the latest practical solutions available,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Leach. “We are dedicated to helping students think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and collaborate, which is embedded in the Portrait of a Graduate. To that end, we strongly encourage parents and guardians to be proactive in understanding and imparting sound rules for online safety when their students are at home.”
The District has established a page that curates information from some of the most trusted sources of Internet safety and best practices. District parents and guardians may find these links valuable in educating themselves and their students on the risks and rewards of being on the World Wide Web and how to develop strong internet safety practices outside of the school environment.
Please click here for Internet Resources that could be utilized with your student.