Food truck competition winners allowed to “bao” out of final exam


Food truck competition winners allowed to “bao” out of final exam

November 2, 2023

Students in Douglas Torgersen’s econ class have been studying entrepreneurism, and this week they completed a multi-stage project/competition that challenged them to create a concept for a food truck, and then turn that concept into an actionable plan that included budgeting, branding, marketing, and more. The students then had to turn those plans in 60-second “elevator pitches,” and present them to peers and administrators for brainstorming… and judging!

“I challenged them to create a business plan for a food truck, including everything from cost analysis and budgeting to marketing and design,” explained Mr. Torgersen. “Each truck had to have a name and slogan, a signature dish, and a food cost analysis, including margins.”

The 60-second pitches were first made to classmates, in an effort to garner votes for their brand. That initial round of voting narrowed the field down from 12 trucks to a handful of competitors who then presented to WVHS principal Georgianna Diopoulos and associate principal Erin Hill-Lewis.

“This is such a great way to provide students with a true application of why economics is important,” said Ms. Diopoulos. “It’s this kind of opportunity that brings students together, and shows them that they can accomplish great things as collaborators, creators, communicators.”

Mr. Torgersen pointed out that the food truck project was designed to encompass, and help nurture, such Portrait tenets as being a collaborator, developing the ability to communicate clearly and concisely, innovating and problem solving, and having the resiliency to overcome business obstacles — all valuable skills that will help them as they enter their adult lives.

Many of the groups created t-shirts, brochures, even websites and social media channels. For the final pitches, a few of the trucks even brought in their signature dishes to share.

This year’s winning truck was Over The RainBao! Members of the winning team received exemption from the final exam for all of their hard work. Congratulations! 


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