First Chapter Flashlight Fridays begins at Park Ave


First Chapter Flashlight Fridays begins at Park Ave

January 5, 2024

2 students read by flashlight as they sit on the floor up against a bookcase in the library

Second graders at Park Avenue Elementary School experienced their first of what will be a series of First Chapter Flashlight Fridays in the library on Friday, January 5, 2024. 

First Chapter Flashlight Fridays are a fun, exciting way to engage students in reading while expanding their perspective.  Students are encouraged to select a book that is different from their preferred genre/subject. Once everyone has selected a book, the lights are turned off and then they have the opportunity to read the first chapter by flashlight.

Two boys read by flashlight during First Chapter Flashlight Fridays at Park AveReading by flashlight in the library media center is an exciting activity for students and it increases their engagement in discovering new stories, topics and genres that are outside of their interests. 

Expanding their perspective and broadening their horizons in this way through reading is an effective way to support students in becoming global and ethical students, communicators, collaborators and life-long learners.

Two girls on a bench and one on the floor in the library read their books


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