The Warwick Valley Central School District has supported a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program since 2011. The district continues to be committed to providing a 21st century learning environment that includes integration of technology in the classroom.
A district-wide wireless network is available to students in grades 5-12 for use with personally-owned and district-provided devices. Allowing students to use their personal electronic devices as part of the instructional program leverages the power of cloud computing in the classroom. The district inventory of devices continues to grow, and BYOD is strictly voluntary.
About BYOD
Students will be permitted to use their personal devices in class for instructional purposes. Teachers, in collaboration with administrators, make the final decision for any instructional tools used in the classroom and will communicate their expectations to students and parents.
Students will be permitted to use their devices for the purpose of:
- Research
- Collaboration
- Accessing filtered websites
- Tracking classroom assignments
- Other approved instructional activities
Suggested devices:
- Laptops, Chromebooks, Tablets (iPad, Android, etc.), Ipod Touch
- E-reader (Kindle, Nook, etc.)
- Devices capable of accessing the internet using a WiFi connection, with the exception of gaming devices (Nintendo DS/PSP are acceptable).
- The district discourages devices that utilize cellular data plans.
BYOD frequently asked questions
Does my child need a device?
It is not mandatory for students to bring devices, even if they own one. When a classroom teacher integrates devices into their instruction to enhance learning and requires their use, district-provided devices will also be available. However, we recognize some students prefer to use their own device.
Will my child have access to the internet while using his/her device?
Students using their personal devices will be required to connect to the district provided wireless network. The district-provided WiFi network contains filtered internet access, per the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). While on school property, students should only use the WVCSD Student WiFi internet connection.
As an important component of BYOD, students will receive instruction in appropriate and safe online behavior. In addition, access to the internet and its use shall be in accordance with school guidelines, the WVCSD Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the WVCSD Code of Conduct, and the Dignity for all Students Act (DASA).
Will technical support be provided?
Technical support will not be provided. It is the responsibility of each student to care for his/her device and keep it in good working order, including charging it outside of school.
What district-provided resources will be available?
Any web-based district subscriptions and databases will be available via the BYOD Wireless network. Printing from personal devices while at school will not be available. WVCSD will not provide nor require apps or software for personal devices.
What should parents do before allowing their child to bring a device to school?
WVCSD recommends that all families:
- Record serial and model numbers of any device brought to school.
- Install virus protection for Windows-based devices.
- Set PIN lock code or password where possible.
- Talk about responsibility, internet safety and device safety with your child(ren)
What are the potential consequences of misuse?
Above all, WVCSD strives to maintain safe and productive learning environments. Students are, therefore, expected to adhere to the policies, procedures, and guidelines established for safety and productivity at all school sites. Students who choose to ignore, circumvent or violate those efforts will face consequences. These consequences may include, but are not limited, to revocation of BYOD privileges, confiscation of devices (to be returned to parents or guardians) or other discipline, as outlined in the WVCSD Code of Conduct and AUP.
Students who elect to BYOD must comply with the following requirements:
- The student accesses the internet using only the district’s BYOD wireless network.
- The student takes full responsibility for his or her technology device. The school is not responsible for the security or loss of student-owned technology. Students are strongly encouraged to lock up or securely store devices when not in use. The District is also not responsible for any purchases that students make through an App store or a website.
- The technology must be in silent mode while on school campuses and while riding school buses.
- The technology may not be used for academic dishonesty or non-instructional purposes.
- The student may only access files or programs on the device or internet sites that are relevant to the classroom curriculum.
- The student complies with teachers’ requests to shut down the device or close the screen.
- The student understands that bringing on premises or infecting the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy or provide access to unauthorized data or information is in violation of the AUP and will result in disciplinary actions.
- The student acknowledges that processing or accessing information on school property related “hacking,” altering or bypassing network security policies is in violation of the AUP and will result in disciplinary actions.
- The district has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing problems or being the source of an attack or virus infection.
- Board of Education policy that applies to BYOD: WVCSD Board Policy #7306