First Responders and Health Providers
The District thanks our first responders for their service in this time of crisis. We must ensure our families/caregivers who function as first responders or health care providers, have childcare supports in place. The District is working with community partners to provide childcare to our families of first responders and health providers. If first responders or health providers need childcare, we would ask that you look below for places that have agreed to provide childcare for our first responders and healthcare professionals. Eligible healthcare professionals include licensed health professionals such as physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, LPNs, and nurse assistants, or laboratory personnel. First responders may include paramedics, emergency medical technicians, police officers, and firefighters.
First Class Minds
Telephone: 845-651-5200
Information: Open and willing to take 6 weeks old to 12 years
Little Scholars
Telephone: 845-469-4403
Contact: Melissa -call to set up intakes
Child Care Council of Orange County
Referral service available to approved Day Care Centers with programs throughout Orange County.
Phone: 845-294-4012
Visit the Childcare Council of Orange County website
Healthy Kids Programs
Emergency Day Care Center set up in New Windsor for ages 4-12. May set up local programs if needed.
Phone: Melissa 845-249-2632
Union Avenue Community Fitness Center
565 Union Avenue
New Windsor, NY
Local sites are being created within the county.
Phone: Irene Rumsey 914-443-1976