Three-part budget

Three-part budget

This table breaks down the school budget for 2015-16 and 2016-17 into three parts: administrative, program and capital. The $ change between the current school year and the next school year would be $1,926,392.




The budget is divided into three main parts:

Administrative Costs: Includes all costs for Board of Education, District Clerk and Elections; Superintendent’s office; Business and Finance; Human Resources; public information; central supplies and printing; data processing; unallocated insurance; BOCES administrative fees; curriculum development; building administration; and related benefits and legal fees.

Program Costs: Includes all teachers and instructional support staff; programs for students with disabilities; all instructional media including library; computer instruction; pupil services including guidance, health, psychological and social work services; co-curricular and athletics activities and student transportation.

Capital Costs: Includes operations and maintenance; security, budgeted capital projects; tax refunds; principal and interest on debt and installment purchases and leases.