Community eBulletin Communications Guidelines

Community eBulletin Communications Guidelines

Local, not-for-profit organizations wishing to promote events, activities, programs, etc. through the Community eBulletin should refer to the district’s communications guidelines, below. If your promotion fits these guidelines, send information in the body of an email or Word document ONLY (not PDF) to

WVCSD website homepage

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – Yes
  • Fundraisers – International, national, state, local catastrophes -Only with Superintendent approval
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships – No
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – Only if submitted by faculty/staff member

WVCSD website eBulletin webpage

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – Yes
  • International, national, state, local catastrophes -Only with Superintendent approval
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships -Only with Superintendent approval
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – No

School Messenger Service (SMS)

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – No
  • International, national, state, local catastrophes – No
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – No
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships – No
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – No

Flyer distribution in school(s)

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – Limited to direct, student related activities
  • International, national, state, local catastrophes – Only with Superintendent approval
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships – No
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – No

Flyer posted on school bulletin boards*

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – Yes
  • International, national, state, local catastrophes – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships – Yes
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – No

Flyers available at school events (open houses, parent-teacher conferences, etc.)*

  • Fundraisers – School booster clubs, PTA/PTSA, district partnerships (Warwick Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) – Yes
  • International, national, state, local catastrophes -Only with Superintendent approval
  • Notifications from non-profit, district partnerships (PTA/PTSA, Warwick Coalition, etc.) – Yes
  • Notifications from non-profit, non-district partnerships – Yes
  • Notification of student accomplishment outside of school – No

(Revised 12/14)

More Information

*Important note about flyers
  • WVCSD or district partner organizations requesting flyer distribution/posting are responsible for supplying the appropriate number of flyers per school building, and should deliver them in bundles of 25 (if applicable). An organization representative should contact individual school office about specific quantity and other distribution information.
  • No WVCSD communications tools will be used to convey inappropriate messages or news, as determined by the Superintendent. Nor will any religious messages, flyers or links be shared or distributed via WVCSD district communications tools, as per federal regulations.