SEQRA – State Environmental Quality Review Act

SEQRA – State Environmental Quality Review Act

SEQRA Process

  • The solar project was classified as a Type-1 Action
  • A Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) was completed
  • The Board of Education notified all involved agencies to begin the coordinated review process and sent a copy of the FEAF
  • Parts 2 and 3 of FEAF were completed to determine impact

The following studies were completed to assess potential concerns:

  • Phase One Archeological Study
    • Phase one study completed and forwarded to SHPO.
      SHPO responded stating the project will have no impact on archeological and/or historic resources listed in or eligible for the New York State and National Registry of Historic Places.
  • Visual Assessment
    • A visual assessment study was completed and used to develop an effective screen designed to reduce or eliminate the view of the solar array from Sanfordville Road and the designated Town scenic corridor along NYS Route 94. Based on the findings of the visual assessment study, the plan to reduce or eliminate the visibility of the project includes placing a 6 feet high fence immediately adjacent to the solar array, and also placing an abundant amount of 8 foot high evergreen trees at the property lines along NYS Route 94 and Sanfordville Road. Any remaining buffered views of the array shall promote awareness of the school’s sustainability efforts.
    • To determine what screening would be effective, the District followed NYSDEC Visual Assessment Protocol.
    • The NYSDEC Program Policy document “Assessing and Mitigating Visual Impacts” suggests that line-of-site profiles be constructed in order to determine viewsheds within the Project Area.
  • Solar Glare Study
    • A Glare Study has been performed to evaluate potential effects of periodic reflection of sunlight from the panel surfaces onto adjacent properties and roadways. The results of the study concludes glare from the array surface will not significantly impact adjacent roads or properties.

SEQRA Conclusion

  • Potential Visual Impact Identified
  • Visual Impact top be Mitigated with Visual Screen of Evergreen Trees and Solar Field Fencing
  • Conclude with Negative Declaration – NO Significant Impact

If you would like a copy of the complete 107-page SEQRA report on this project, please contact Assistant Superintendent for Business Mr. Timothy Holmes at