WVHS guidance kicks off scholarship season with presentation this month
Dear Class of 2021 Parents/Guardians:
College is expensive. This is not news to anyone. What is news, is that many scholarships go unclaimed because no one applies and not all scholarships are based on grade point averages!
Counselors will be sharing information regarding the scholarship application process, with seniors in their Social Studies classes on January 26 and 28.
Just like the college application process, I would now like to invite you to attend our “Scholarship Kick-Off” presentation so that you are aware of the necessary steps of our scholarship application process.
Please join us for this VIRTUAL event on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 6:30pm by clicking on the link below.
Class of 2021 Guidance Google Classroom
We look forward to seeing you on January 28th.
Mary Fox
Director of Guidance & School Counseling