WVMS & WVHS SADD Clubs team up to rally classmates in support of national Red Ribbon Week
Hello, Wildcat Classmates!
This is the Warwick Valley Middle School and Warwick Valley High School SADD Clubs (Students Against Destructive Decisions), asking you to join us in celebrating the spirit week of all spirit weeks! We’ve joined forces to organize and mobilize around Red Ribbon Week — the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign.
Red Ribbon Week takes place [officially] each year from October 23rd through the 31st. BUT… because the 23rd is a Wednesday, we’re going to kick off our WVHS/WVMS interschool spirit campaign on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21!
So… on Monday, we hope you’ll come in “RED-y” to go, dressed up for the first of our five Red Ribbon Week themed days. You’ll be joining our local SADD Clubs and a nationwide network of supporters in a shared mission to help our peers stay drug-free, live healthy lives, and to do it all by the power of positive choices.
Here’s how you can show your support during Red Ribbon Week…
Wrap yourself in red, it’s Red Ribbon Week! - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22… PAJAMA DAY
Get comfy and cozy, but no sleeping in class! - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23… WILDCAT WEDNESDAY
Don the purple and gold and wear your Wildcats gear! - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24… SPORTS JERSEY DAY
Rep your favorite local, amateur, semi-pro or pro sports team! - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25… PINK OUT DAY
Today… Red Ribbon Week meets Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
We can’t wait to see everyone get involved next week! If you’ve got any questions, contact either the WVMS or WVHS SADD Club chapters. That’d be Ms. Fox at the middle school or Ms. Wayte & Ms. O’Carroll at the high school.