WVHS Youth in Government President Christian Katzabanis Attends Albany Conference
The WVHS Youth in Government (YIG) Program officially wrapped up their year in late spring by finishing second overall at Orange County Service Day and winning the inaugural Debate Rally in the Valley against Minisink Valley. However, newly-elected YIG President Christian Katzabanis continued forward. The incoming Senior attended the Students Inside Albany Conference, held May 19-22 and sponsored by the League of Women Voters, New York, and the local chapter, LWV Mid-Hudson Region. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan citizen activist organization that encourages informed and active participation in government.
Christian was one of 60 high school students from all over the state to participate in the four-day conference. He was recommended by the program’s adviser and WVHS social studies teacher, Kevan Ottochian. After being contacted by the League’s Mid-Hudson Region member Louise Reavis, Mr. Ottochian was excited for the opportunity to have a Warwick student not only represent the district but the Mid-Hudson region.
“Not only did Christian meet the League’s eligibility requirements, in my view he far exceeded them and was a clear choice to be selected,” Mr. Ottochian said. “The school district and I couldn’t be more proud to have Christian represent Warwick.”
The conference had two main objectives: to immerse students in the process by which public policy is proposed, enacted and changed in New York, and to educate as to how the youth can influence and affect this process. In between lectures and discussions with other students, Christian toured the state Capitol and the Court of Appeals and visited Assembly member Karl Brabenec in the Legislative Office Building.
Christian also viewed the Assembly in session and joined State Senator James Skoufis in closed-door meetings. Finally, Christian and the other students heard presentations describing the role of media in covering political news and how to effectively advocate to legislators around issues that are important to them.
Christian said he enjoyed the conference and was impressed by how the experience showed him that legislators are ordinary people he could talk to and not someone up on a pedestal. Going to Albany clarified his plans for the future, which include going to law school and eventually being involved in government, either by running for office or working in government administration.
Christian looks to bring that passion and energy to leading WVHS’s Youth in Government Program as its president this coming school year. The program is aiming to reclaim the top award for best overall program by fiercely preparing and competing in several events during the year. Additionally, the program will be venturing into some new projects and field trips.
Mr. Ottochian strongly encourages all students to join the program – Google Classroom code: bukyr6t. No experience and/or government knowledge is required. If you’re looking to learn more about how the government works, meet your elected representatives, and work on life skills while having fun with your classmates, the Youth in Government Program is the best place for that and more.