The Warwick Valley Central School District is committed to providing all students with the necessary skills to thrive in the 21st Century as learners, workers, and citizens. The District provides all students innovative opportunities for success and high achievement at all levels.
- The new Communications Suite at WVHS, partially funded through NY’s Smart Schools grant, includes new college-level facilities to prepare students interested in pursuing broadcast media.
- WVCSD named a “Best Community for Music Education” for fifth year in a row.
- 21 WVHS teams were recognized as NYS Scholar-Athlete teams for having team averages of 90 or above.
- WVHS is the only school in Orange County to achieve New York State Reward School status for five consecutive years.
- In 2016, 385 students took 704 AP exams in 14 subjects, with 69% scoring a 3 or higher, which may transfer as college credit.
- New classroom libraries, flexible seating and kinesthetic labs increase literacy skills for all elementary students.
34 new courses/programs added for students over past four years
New courses and initiatives added to the curriculum from kindergarten through high school:
- Green Architecture
- Engineering is Elementary
- Smart Music
- Google Apps
- Robotics
- Design & Modeling
- Balanced Literacy
- University Spanish II
- Chromebooks, tablets
- Online report cards
- Financial Literacy
- Math Modeling with Technology
- Financial Algebra
- Stage Craft/Project Design
- Medical Interventions
- Intro to Engineering Design
- Intro to Computer Science
- Advanced
- Veterinary Science
- Principals of
- Biomedical Science
- Criminal Justice
- Forensics
- AP Physics
- Robotics & Engineering
- Principles of Engineering
- Science, Tech & Society
- American History through Media
- 3D Media
- Civil Architecture & Engineering
- Yearbook Design
- Intro to Theater
- AP Art
- Computer Integrated
- Manufacturing
- Leadership Academy
- Energy & the Environment