Some recent measurements of success for the Warwick Valley Central School district include:
- Data from the State Education Department shows WVHS has the highest Regents average in the region.
- Warwick has the highest graduation rate in the region, at 97 percent.
- WVCSD has been named a “Best Community for Music Education” for the fourth consecutive year.
- Sanfordville & Park Avenue Schools are National Blue Ribbon Schools.
- WVHS is the only school in Orange County to achieve New York State Reward School status for four consecutive years.
- Warwick students score highest in “Aspirational Level” among the region’s 17 school districts – this means they perform best in English/language arts and math.
- In 2015, 392 students took 706 AP exams in 14 subjects, with 73% scoring a 3 or higher, which may transfer as college credit.